Sharing the art of writing in Gaza

Moving piece by Jamal Mahjoub in Guernica about his visit to Gaza with the PalFest literary bandwagon: The Islamic University is the best funded of the four universities in Gaza. It is also the only one that is not secular. Our first day, we are given a tour of the segregated campus, our male guides…

Who is afraid of #pussyriot?

Many American media organisations, apparently (via the Guardian): The… conviction of three members of the punk band Pussy Riot… has caused consternation throughout the world – and a dilemma for prudish news organizations. Major media groups have been furiously editing headlines, tweets and stories to avoid using the word “pussy”. The… Washington Post… has taken the most conservative stance…

Understanding apartheid South Africa and why it’s relevant today with Israel

I just watched this remarkable documentary, Under African Skies, about Paul Simon and the recording of his legendary Graceland album. It tackles apartheid, Simon’s refusal to abide by the cultural boycott against South Africa and the politics around the issue. It’s highly relevant today – and Simon clearly understands little more today playing in Israel…

Australian Greens leadership ignores Israeli car company’s troubling record

Following last week’s open letter and petition to the Australian Greens informing them that a serious party dedicated to human rights wouldn’t work with Israeli-government backed electric car companies in the name of being green, Greens leader Christine Milne has responded:   Sadly, this letter is totally unacceptable and completely misses the point. Every major…

Overland Journal tackles “After Zionism”

The following review of After Zionism by Jeff Sparrow appears in Overland Journal: After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moor (eds) SAQI In the media, particularly in Australia, the ”˜two-state solution’ to the Palestine/Israel crisis – that is to say, the proposition that peace depends upon the creation of…

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