Marrickville madness over BDS but Palestine rights aren’t forgotten

I was present at last night’s Marrickville council meeting over BDS. It was a circus. Hundreds of people attended. Protesters, Zionists, students, unionists, Palestinians, Arabs, citizens. Countless numbers of people couldn’t fit into the council chambers (luckily I was inside for proceedings). In the end, the BDS didn’t succeed but in many ways this wasn’t…

What Australians really think about Israel/Palestine? (mainly confusion)

The main message from the latest Essential Media polling is that most people don’t really know much about the conflict and remain unsure who is to blame (see here and here). A few points. Close to a majority said that criticising Israel isn’t anti-Semitic (take note Zionist lobby). Many believed the issue fueled anti-Muslim sentiment…

BDS will continue in Australia (aka we’re only warming up over Palestine)

Public meeting Boycotting Israel is the right thing to do: Why Murdoch’s Australian is wrong over BDS Speakers include: Samah Sabawi, Australians for Palestine Antony Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question Sylvia Hale, former NSW Greens MP The Murdoch media’s campaign to force Marrickville Council to abandon its support for a global campaign to pressure…

Mercenaries look at Libya and see dollar signs

What a glorious war: Libya might soon turn into a goldmine for private security firms. Reports say that the UK is already hiring mercenaries to protect the interests of the big corporations there, once Colonel Gaddafi goes. But the fresh history of the previous NATO-led interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan give a pretty clear picture…

Why Marrickville BDS should stand; Naomi Klein and others make the call

Thank you: Dear Marrickvile councilors, We the undersigned would firstly like to congratulate the… Marrickville Council… in Sydney’s Inner West, Australia for their courageous motion (dated December 14, 2010) in support of the Palestinian-led global movement of Boycott,… Divestment… and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law. The BDS campaign is deeply inspired by the South…

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