How to face “incitement” allegation in Israel

Beyond parody (but such is the reality in modern Israel). Via The Only Democracy in the Middle East: Sara Benninga, whose speech I reposted here on the blog, was interrogated by the police after speaking at the JStreet conference I attended. She provided one of the voices for a new direction for Jewish and Israeli…

CACI is perfect representation of modern era

Private contractor CACI has done very well in the post 9/11 world (including providing the guards who tortured detainees at Abu Ghraib in Iraq). Writer Andrew Cockburn highlights a company that represents the modern world of creating something out of nothing (unless you include maintaining and protecting the bogus “war on terror” as important): The…

Only one kind of Zionism allowed

The face of “moderate” Zionist party Kadima, instituting a Knesset investigation into the role of US Israel lobbyists J Street (a conservative group that believes in a two-state solution, opposes BDS etc). Israel is increasingly a state that refuses to accept any dissent. There’s a word for that (hint: fascism): Here’s MK Otniel Schneller (Kadima):…

Serco puts out the begging bowl

What is a poor, little multinational like Serco to do when Britain has less money to give? Look outward: Serco, the FTSE 100 support services group that runs the Docklands Light Railway, is to target growth in international markets as the UK economy comes under pressure from public spending cuts. Christopher Hyman, chief executive, said…

Because Israel has never had any intention of giving up colonisation

Prescient and clear-headed Alastair Crooke in the London Review of Books: The emphasis on ”˜trust-building’ with Israel has coloured the evolution of the political process since 2003. The general movement towards providing ”˜law and order’, security co-operation and ”˜institution-building’ is well known. But the ”˜state-building’ project as a whole should be understood in the context…

Our detention centres can’t and won’t handle refugees

This sounds like my kind of incompetent government. Canberra will be expanding detention centres across Australia and British firm Serco will be getting more money in the process. And yet there may be some practical problems: NT Police Association president Vince Kelly told AAP he understood that Serco, the private security company that manages Australia’s…

Football taught Zionist that ethnic cleansing may not be ideal

Oh this is so charming. Here’s Danny Brill, from Melbourne but living in Jerusalem. He was assistant coach/player in the first Peres Peace Team in 2008. It’s a classic liberal Zionist program to make everybody feel good about the Middle East and get a few Jews and Arabs speaking and playing together. But it completely…

Perhaps Serco should just privatise our dreams

The role of Serco in Western Australia (largely ignored in the east of the country) is likely to increase. Problems with the company? Open to abuse? Who cares, if there’s a buck to be made? Here’s the West Australian: A prisoner rights group says the State Government’s plan to privatise parole services would make the…

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