American Kangaroo Court for an Ozzie

After 5 years in detention, solitary confinement, no charges, and limited access to legal representation, the best that the Pentagon could come up with is a plea deal from David Hicks resulting in 7 months imprisonment, only 9 months of which he has yet to serve. The case of Hicks offers us a glimpse into…

Stalinist theatre

Robert Richter QC, The Age, April 1: David Hicks is coming home. At what price? Let us take stock. The charade that took place at Guantanamo Bay would have done Stalin’s show trials proud. First there was indefinite detention without charge. Then there was the torture, however the Bush lawyers, including his Attorney-General, might choose…

Caring for “terrorists”

Robert Richter, The Age, February 18: [Australian Attorney-General] Philip Ruddock is a hypocrite when parading his Amnesty International membership. He pretends to give a toss for the organisation and the principles for which it stands: the rule of law, freedom from arbitrary arrest and punishment, freedom from torture, opposition to the perversion of accepted civilised…

“Progress” is noted

While US political junkies are either salivating or cursing Hillary Clinton’s Presidential bid announcement (personally, I think she’s about as principled as a mountain goat) and the Howard government continues to dither over David Hicks, the ongoing threats against Iran pose one of the greatest challenges in the Middle East. Iranian blogger Kamangir (now living…

Justice denied

The incarceration shame of Australian Guantanamo Bay captive David Hicks goes on. After five years locked-up without charge, the case will haunt the Australian government for the rest of its days.

The alliance dealt a welcome blow

All the current talk around the Australia/US alliance – thanks largely to the benign effects of one Mr. Rupert Murdoch and his part-funding of yet another propaganda “learning centre” about America – makes one wonder how local Bush sycophants would deal with this article by the Guardian’s Simon Jenkins: For axis of evil, read axis…

Taking on the rogue state

The case of Australian Guantanamo Bay captive David Hicks drags on. The Victorian-based Human Rights Law Resource Centre has released a statement by a number of eminent Australian lawyers regarding the ongoing plight of Hicks. The verdict? In essence, the lawyers have concluded: * that the US proposal to try David Hicks before a freshly…

Irene Khan

In a recent open-letter to Prime Minister John Howard, Irene Khan, the Secretary General of Amnesty International and recipient of the 2006 Sydney Peace Prize, demanded that Australian Guantanamo inmate David Hicks be brought home. “Try him here, in Australia”, she wrote. “If the Australian justice system, based on the rule of law and international…

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