The set-up

Those world-class forensic skills displayed by the US government are exposed: The US government said it could not find the men that Guantánamo detainee Abdullah Mujahid believes could help set him free. The Guardian found them in three days. Two years ago the US military invited Mr Mujahid, a former Afghan police commander accused of…

Using the best example

The Bush administration’s “war on terror” is filled with legal contortions, torture and injustice (despite John Howard blaming David Hicks for his own incarceration at Guantanamo Bay.)…  The world should not have been shocked by the country’s post 9/11 manoeuvres, however. Israel has perfected the art of controlling “terrorists”. Ron Dudai, research fellow in the…

Politically useful boy

A startling piece of information that directly relates to Australian Guantanamo Bay captive David Hicks: When the US State Department issued its annual Country Reports on Terrorism last Friday, it listed numerous state-sponsors of terrorism, like Iran, and groups it considers foreign terrorist organizations, like Hamas, Al Qaeda, and Hizbullah. Conspicuously absent from the lists,…

Our good friend and ally

Yet more evidence that Guantanamo Bay is the “gulag of our times“: “More than half of the terror suspects being held at Guantanamo Bay have not been accused of committing hostile acts against the United States or its allies, two of the detainees’ lawyers said in a report released Tuesday. “Compiled from declassified Defense Department…

From the inside

Lawyer Clive Stafford Smith regularly visits clients in Guantanamo Bay. His report in the New Statesman provides yet more evidence why America’s version of justice (shamefully supported by Australia) is a perfect recruitment tool for jihadists. The Bush administration and Congress are supporting a provision that would bar suspected terror suspects at Guantanamo from any…

Western values through terrorism

Mustafa Malik, a Washington journalist, Daily Star, October 7: “Human rights groups around the world are concerned that the UN resolution calling on governments to punish ‘incitement to terrorist acts’ will further stifle the voices of the oppressed, especially because the world body has failed to define what terrorism is. “This resolution has, says Human…

Causing terrorism

This development at Guantanamo Bay has been virtually ignored in the Western press. Hundreds of detainees have engaged in a hunger strike to protest conditions and the complete lack of legal rights. John Feffer, Znet, October 7: “The Bush administration claims that the Guantanamo detainees are “unlawful combatants” from the war in Afghanistan. Since they…

The rule of law

The NSW Supreme Court has allowed freed Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib to pursue defamation proceedings against Murdoch’s News Limited. One 2002 cartoon in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph read, “The amazing journey of a suburban terrorist.” In case the conservative echo-chamber forgets, Habib was released without charge in January. The other detained Australian prisoner, David Hicks,…

We’re outta there

“…The president’s claim on Thursday that “no decision has been made yet” about withdrawing troops from Iraq can be taken exactly as seriously as the vice president’s preceding fantasy that the insurgency is in its “last throes.” The country has already made the decision for Mr. Bush. We’re outta there. Now comes the hard task…

Please, no more!

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, when not slamming the ABC for asking legitimate questions about the trial of David Hicks, likes to belt out a tune or two. He can’t sing and should stick to playing the role of obedient, little US client state representative. (Thanks to Weez for the tip.)

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