Leave the Nazis dead and buried

I generally agree with the comments by Muzzlewatch about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speech in Geneva. Much of the talk was actually historically accurate and presented uncomfortable truths for the West and Israel in particular, but his Holocaust denial, aggression and defending of human rights was all a sick joke when one knows the reality…

Durban II, the how, why and who

The farce currently taking place in Geneva, known as Durban II, has already thrown up a veritable collection of freaks, distractions, nutty celebrities (what the hell is Angelina Jolie’s dad, Jon Voight, doing there?) and agendas. What follows is a small selection of the issues raised (and yet more evidence that the Western world, led…

Shifting sands of Israel/Palestine

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University: Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies ME Forum, 24 November 2008 The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective Antony Loewenstein Australian Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, speaking in March this year at a United Israel…

Jewish international opposition statement against attack on Iran

I am a signatory, along with Noam Chomsky and a number of other Jews around the world, to the following petition, currently being spread far and wide: Efforts to beat the drums of war for an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactor facilities are promoted in both the USA and Israel scenes. … The recent New York…

Rudd government reignites campaign against Iranian president

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question, writes: In late 2006, hardline Zionists in Israel and the United States raised the possibility of indicting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “direct and public incitement to commit genocide” against the Jewish…

Academics expand Israel lobby case

My following review appears in the November Australian Literary Review: The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt Allen Lane, 544pp, $49.95 (HB) When “realist” academics John Mearsheimer of Chicago University and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard published their essay, The Israel Lobby, in the London Review of Books…

Finding fault with Iran

With all the talk of an imminent strike against Iran, it’s sometimes easy to forget the true nature of the Ahmadinejad regime. Some people are clearly appreciative of its stance: Armenian Americans slammed the decision by a university in the Armenian capital of Yerevan to honor Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad during a state visit…

Palestinian terror and Israeli nobility

My following article appears in Online Opinion and discusses the role of Zionism in the failures of the Middle East: Age journalist David Bernstein has said that he thought Melbourne Jews needed help. “It’s a community [thanks to the Holocaust] that in some ways is sick ”¦ They are neurotic and should be treated with…

Holocaust acceptance

The Iranian Diaspora takes a stand against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent Holocaust conference. It’s a disgrace that such shades of grey are rarely if ever examined in the Western media.

Will Iran be the new Iraq?

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Nearly six years after 9/11, the Bush administration (ably assisted by Israel and a handful of acquiescent governments, such as Britain and Australia) appears to be softening up the public for a military strike against Iran. The evidence for such a mission is partly rhetorical. One…

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