Abusing the Holocaust

Dror Etkes, Haaretz, December 22: The curtain has dropped on the Theater of the Absurd directed by the Iranian regime last week – an event that convened figures from the margins of the Holocaust-denial scene and its “alternative” researchers. In Israel the conference was covered with an emphasis on the statements by the participants and…

The Iranian Holocaust Conference attracts the usual cranks

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: The Iranian Holocaust Conference currently being held in Tehran has attracted the usual collection of sceptics, deniers and cranks. The two-day event, initiated by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, aims to discuss whether six millions Jews were killed by the Nazis in the 1930s and ”˜40s and the…

Delusions and determination

The full CBS 60 Minutes interview with Iranian President Ahmadinejad. Interviewer Mike Wallace plays an effective Bush administration spokesman. Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust, slams Israel, defends his country’s right to develop nuclear energy and completely confounds a Western audience.

Deadly double standards sow terror

The following article appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Israel’s response to the abduction and killing of its soldiers is disproportionate and counter-productive, warns Antony Loewenstein Israel is fighting on two fronts and against two forces it helped create. Hamas and Hezbollah gained their political capital by resisting Israeli occupation in Palestine and Lebanon. The past…

Delusions of grandeur

Der Spiegel interviews Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and discusses Israel, Zionism, the Holocaust, Iraq, nuclear weapons and Western hypocrisy: Ahmadinejad: We don’t want to confirm or deny the Holocaust. We oppose every type of crime against any people. But we want to know whether this crime actually took place or not. If it did, then…

Erik Rabe Røstad

You are a either a liar or know nothing about real jewish history(!!) You are a shame to the jewish people! Jewish land of Israel have been occupied ca 4times 1) greek occupiers 2) roman occupiers 3) Turkey occupiers 4) Muslim arab occupiers Jewish people and culture originated in Judea and Samaria ca 4000 years…

Um Yisroel Chai

Achminejad deny Holocaust. Loewenstein Jewish but lose noone in holocaust so must be prove not happen. We Iranians hate Juden so you must become no more infidel Antony! No more of your Jew lies Antony. Convert to Koran and we will love you like son. Allah Akbar. We Muslims take ourselves too seriously sometimes, but…

What 50 years of Israeli occupation does to Palestine

My investigation and analysis in The National newspaper on the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Palestine: For the two million Palestinians living under siege in Gaza, every week presents new challenges. Electricity is now reduced to about four hours a day due to political infighting between Palestinian parties Fatah and Hamas. Israel refuses to…

Israel's biggest anti-BDS conference hits Jerusalem

My story in Mondoweiss… (my photos here): One of Israel’s biggest newspapers staged the country’s first national… conference… against the… boycott, divestment and sanctions… (BDS) movement this week in Jerusalem.… Yedioth Ahronoth… and its website… Ynet… organized a day-long event that featured the majority of leading Israeli politicians and many cultural figures. Fear, paranoia, anger and determination was ubiquitous amongst the panelists and audience.…

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