Haiti is not another experiment on the neo-liberal highway

Naomi Klein speaks in New York a few days ago and gives a necessary perspective on the crisis in Haiti: But as I write about in The Shock Doctrine, crises are often used now as the pretext for pushing through policies that you cannot push through under times of stability. Countries in periods of extreme…

It’s the only humane way to fight

Naomi Klein called for a boycott against Israel during this year’s Gaza war. Here’s a report from her latest visit to Palestine: BILIN , West Bank – Bestselling author Naomi Klein on Friday took her call for a boycott of Israel to the occupied West Bank village of Bilin, where she witnessed Israeli forces clashing…

The only treatment

Noami Klein’s new book, The Shock Doctrine, is released next week. Film-maker Alfonso Cuarón, director of the wonderful Children of Men, has produced a short film about the themes in her book:

Those misbehaving Muslims

So, the Palestinians are not behaving as planned. The West is upset. The one-state solution is becoming more likely. Jews are rebelling like never before against the Israeli occupation and its racist policies. The Middle East is becoming less friendly to Western “interests” by the day. Only a good thing, in my humble opinion. Perhaps…

Disaster Capitalism book receives thorough examination

My book, Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe, was released in 2015 (and it’s out in paperback in January 2017). It received many reviews and the latest is by Dr Jason Von Meding, an academic in Australia: The US Presidential Election is in full swing. Over the next few months, Donald Trump and…

Interview with US magazine The Source about disaster capitalism

I was recently interviewed by Lulaine Compere for leading American music magazine The Source: The system of capitalism is always being debated. In most countries people are fighting it, seeking to replace it, or trying to improve it. The mere presence of capitalism also brings with it values and ideas that will have huge consequences…

Review and interview about Disaster Capitalism with US magazine Salon

A review of my book Disaster Capitalism in US magazine… Salon… followed by an interview with its… journalist Ben Norton: “The corporation is now fundamentally more powerful than the nation-state,” writes journalist Antony Loewenstein in his new book “Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe.” “Many ongoing crises seem to have been sustained by businesses to fuel…

How Israel tests weapons on Palestinians then sells to the world

Israel sells weapons to some of the most repressive nations on earth, a policy that has existed for decades.… Itay Mack, a Jerusalem-based human rights lawyer and activist, tells Haaretz about his campaign to bring more transparency to the process. The Jewish state’s relationship with South Sudan is particularly… murky. Mack explains: According to reports of international…

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