Who will teach Israeli Jewish kids that the world hates them?

This is a witty skit from the Israeli comedy show “Eretz Nehederet” (“Wonderful Country”) on Channel 2. It depicts a joint education program devised by the right-wing (yet mainstream) organization Im Tirtzu with the Ministry of Education that helps kindergarten children be prepared for the “complicated” life in Israel:

Washington and Israel preparing to bomb Iran (to peace, of course)

The Wikileaks revelations just keep on coming, this time from Aftenposten. Barack Obama wanting to assist Israel strike Iran? Yes (via Richard Silverstein): Wikileaks cable describes a November, 2009 meeting between a high-level delegation of Israeli and American political, military and intelligence operatives. … On the agenda was the U.S. delivery of 100 bunker-buster bombs to…

Zionism as rejectionism

While the Economist says Barack Obama should simply impose a settlement in the Middle East, Israeli media is now reporting that the Israeli government isn’t even willing to look at documents presented by the corrupt Palestinian Authority. It’s a complete sham and the Zionist state continues to marinate in its own occupying juices.

Colombo hearts Israel but dissent exists

Israel will sell arms to anybody; the more brutal the better, really. Sri Lanka is therefore the perfect country for Tel Aviv to engage but according to this piece in the country’s Sunday Leader disquiet rules: The news that Sri Lanka is to boost relations with Israel in the agricultural field comes as a surprise…

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