This is what Israel has created, pure ugliness, racism and hatred. Courtesy of the Israeli tax-payer and allowed to fester for decades. Try undoing this: The Settlement movement warned Tuesday of a harsh reaction and painful “price tag” style retaliation if authorities proceed in the plan to seal a synagogue which was illegally built in…
Is a social impact bond more than just a buzz world?
An interesting idea and one to consider as an alternative to the rampant privatisation agenda pushed by both major sides of politics in the Western world: Help the unemployed! Cut spending! Provide a safety net! No new taxes! America expects the impossible of government right now, if campaign events are any indication. But what if…
McGeough shows how few MSM reporters tell the truth
A masterful speech by Sydney Morning Herald journalist Paul McGeough at last weekend’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney. He covers the non-existent Middle East “peace process”, Zionist paranoid and bullying, media coverage and the colonial project known as Israel. Such honesty is rare in the MSM. Savour it: Since 1948, a constant in Israeli-Palestinian…
Bombing will continue as long as we continue bombing
Glenn Greenwald: Bombing Muslims more and more causes more and more Muslims to want to bomb the countries responsible.… That, of course, has long been the perverse “logic” driving the War on Terror.… The very idea that we’re going to reduce Terrorism by more intensively bombing more Muslim countries is one of the most patently…
Another day of Jews abusing Arabs under their control
At what point will Zionist humiliation of Palestinians actually register as integral to the state of Israel? A grainy video of a male Israeli soldier bellydancing around a bound and blindfolded female prisoner which went viral overnight, yesterday provoked a furious response from the Palestinians.
Israel is slowly but surely building an army of extremist Jews
There is growing evidence of the disastrous effects of Christian fundamentalism on the US army; “We are doing God’s work by bombing all Muslims”. In Israel the problem is more severe, with an ever-increasing collection of settlers and Jewish extremists entering the ranks of the IDF: Profound changes have been occurring in the officer ranks…
No pressure to act on climate change
This is quite a way to promote action on climate change (and probably not the best, most inclusive method):
The curious relationship between Wikileaks and everybody else
What a story: Where do you draw the line between free speech and national security? At what point do issues of justice trump potential threats to soldiers, translators and informants? Last Thursday, Julian Assange answered these questions and more in a debate pitting him against the Times columnist David Aaronovitch at London’s City University that…