Britain caving to Washington?

So are there any countries that are willing to seriously challenge American pressure? Julian Assange’s lawyer said that Sweden didn’t ask the U.K. government to appeal a judge’s ruling allowing the WikiLeaks founder to be released on bail and that it was “confusing” why the British prosecutors decided to appeal. “The question is why did…

Both sides of politics see asylum seekers as non-people

Australia’s depravity over asylum seekers is revealed even by the US, a nation fond of demonising refugees: Secret United States embassy cables have sharply criticised the handling of asylum seekers by the former prime minister Kevin Rudd and accused both Labor and the Coalition of playing partisan politics with the issue. The cables reveal that…

Assange as a curious and important British house guest

This is a fascinating tale reported in the UK Independent: For the past fortnight, Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has been at the centre of a global firestorm. Wanted by Interpol, by the Swedish police, even, briefly, by Scotland Yard, he has been called a terrorist and a revolutionary. Several leading American politicians and commentators…

Hicks: Assange will never receive free trial in US

From a man who knows a few things about Australia abandoning its own citizens: Former…  Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will never receive a fair trial if he is handed over to US authorities. Mr Hicks says he hopes the Australian government won’t abandon Mr Assange, as they did with…

Dud US view confirms Britain is equally blind

If the US thinks, according to the Wikileaks cables, that Britain has done a terrible job connecting with Muslims after the 7/7 attacks, how the hell is Washington viewed by the world when occupying Muslim lands and killing civilians on a daily basis? Seriously, our world is run by clueless clowns who think war will…

Michael Moore knows who the heroes are

Bravo: Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail. Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers,…

Assange speaks from British jail

The fight continues: The founder of WikiLeaks has issued a plea from jail for his supporters to keep fighting, accusing Visa, Mastercard and Paypal of being instruments of US foreign policy. In a world exclusive statement provided to the Sunshine Coast Daily via his Australian mother, Julian Assange said he was determined to fight for…

Assange and Manning are loved by the public

The people have spoken: The controversial founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has won an online vote to be TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year. The annual online vote asks readers to choose the most influential person, people or things from the previous year. Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear,…

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