Mastercard, Visa and PayPal rather like illegal Zionist colonies

The huffing and puffing over alleged illegality by Wikileaks (nothing proven by a mile) compares badly to actual behaviour by many corporates in the Middle East. An important Crikey investigation: Visa, Mastercard and PayPal all enable donations to be made to US-registered groups funding illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank in defiance of international…

What makes Assange tick from somebody who should know

Suelette Dreyfus collaborated with Julian Assange to write Underground, a 1997 book about hackers in Australia and across the world. She writes today in the Australian media about the motivations behind Wikileaks and gets inside the mind of Assange himself: If you want to improve the lot of the poorest, most oppressed people in the…

Clapton in Pyongyang?

Because music appreciation is the biggest issue facing North Korea: North Korea asked America to arrange an Eric Clapton concert in Pyongyang, saying that it could help to persuade Kim Jong-il to allow humanitarian aid into the country. A confidential cable dated 22 May 2007 from the US ambassador in Seoul to Washington reveals North…

This is what online civil disobedience looks like

Yesterday’s Guardian editorial tackles the first round of the new info war: In a cyber attack known as Operation Payback, a group of online activists called Anonymous targeted the websites of companies that had treated WikiLeaks like a bad smell. Visa, MasterCard, Paypal and Amazon have all had their websites, and in some cases their…

Scahill on why Washington and Obama are earning hatred around Islamic world

Leading US reporter Jeremy Scahill, testifying before the US House Judiciary Committee, discusses America’s secret wars in the Muslim world (something highlighted by recent Wikileaks revelations): My name is Jeremy Scahill. I am the National Security correspondent for The Nation magazine. I recently returned from a two-week unembedded reporting trip to Afghanistan. I would like…

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