Reading is unnecessary

After my recent article in Crikey about the Zionist lobby (and the response), today’s edition of the newsletter features the following letters (including, yet again, our old friend Federal Labor MP Michael Danby, who doesn’t seem too fond of reading): Michael Danby writes: Two can play Loewenstein’s game of selective quotations. The saying “Oh, that…

The truth about the pro-Israel lobby’s influence

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: It is hard to imagine a less appropriate context in which to read Gerard Henderson’s latest opinion piece. At a time when we’re being inundated by grim reports of escalating carnage in Lebanon and Israel, Henderson has launched an extraordinary attack on the notion that a…

Just asking some questions

The following review appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Scrutinising the conduct of the modern Israeli state raises uncomfortable but necessary questions, writes Peter Rodgers My Israel Question By Antony Loewenstein Melbourne University Press, 340pp, $32.95 There is no better illustration of the cancerous nature of much discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than federal Labor MP…

Pre-emptive strike

The following item by Alex Mitchell appeared in the Naked Eye column in last Sunday’s Sun Herald newspaper: Take a bow, writer and journalist Antony Loewenstein. He’s written My Israel Question, to be published next month by Melbourne University Press headed by Louise Adler. It is the book every serious-minded Australian has been waiting to…

Wilting under the heat

New Under the Sun is a collection of Jewish Australians writing about religion, politics and culture (naturally enough, the Australian Jewish News thinks the book is vitally important.) While some chapters are worthwhile, it suffers from a classic case of avoiding the elephant in the room. Israel is barely mentioned. The Jewish state is discussed,…

Careful, they might hear you

The following article appears in today’s Weekend Australian: Elisabeth Wynhausen asks whether opposition to the security policies of the government of the day in Israel is in danger of being attributed to anti-Semitism It can be hard to track the origins of information posted on the internet, but for those with the patience to follow…

Fisk supports dissenters

Robert Fisk’s latest column for the UK Independent, The Erosion of Free Speech, tackles the pressures on individuals and groups that campaign for a just resolution of the Israel/Palestine conflict and dare challenge Zionist dogma. He generously supports my work and alerts the world to my forthcoming book and attempts by certain individuals to stifle…

Equality for all. Or not

Michael Danby – Federal Labor MP of Melbourne Ports, rabid Zionist and supporter of censorship – says he believes in equality for all. After he called for my forthcoming book on the Israel/Palestine conflict to be stopped and seemingly unable to produce an accurate calender for his electorate, the Melbourne Age reports that he’s been…

Picking a fight with the wrong side

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby – bully and Zionist apologist – believes that cartoonist Michael Leunig was being deliberately offensive to Jews when he supposedly compared Nazi Germany to present-day Israel. Writing to online magazine Crikey, Danby complains about anybody daring to defend Leunig against such charges: “I am writing to strongly disagree with Charles…

Deliberate distortions

Following the recent controversy over Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies and its simulation programs, Director Andrew Vincent responds in this week’s Australian Jewish News (February 9): HEAVY-HANDED BOARD “The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies has been successful in pressuring the NSW Department of Education to cancel Middle East simulations for…

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