The danger of pretending to be Arab or Israeli

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Readers of Wednesday’s Australian may have noticed a front page article by Rebecca Weisser which stated: A simulation exercise in which Year 11 students played Arabs and Israelis has been dropped by NSW schools after parents complained it was creating racial tension and painted terrorists in…

“Bias” is so hard to find

Every now and then, an article appears in the Australian media that alleges anti-Israel bias in academia. The sources for such stories are the usual Zionist clowns that desperately want universities to teach the Leon Uris version of history. Thankfully, most academics desire a more nuanced look at events. Hence, this article in Wednesday’s Australian…

The gift that keeps on giving

As a Jew writing about the Israel/Palestine conflict, it is clear that many fellow Jews are fundamentally opposed to robust debate on the Middle East. They simply look away, refusing to acknowledge the depths of depravity perpetuated by the Israelis in the occupied territories. A profound moral blind-spot suddenly appears, and Jews become insulated from…

How many sides to this debate?

I’m a board member of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies. It proudly debates the many shades of the region, and rejects the one-dimensional perspective offered by much of the mainstream media. The Centre also attracts its fair share of controversy, principally because it doesn’t subscribe to the Israel right or…

A beacon of hope for progressive thinkers

The following review of My Israel Question by Lucy Clark appeared in Murdoch’s Sydney Sunday Telegraph on September 3: The old adage that no news is good news doesn’t necessarily apply to publicity; bad publicity is often thought to be better than not being mentioned at all. Curiosity is doubly piqued when the righteous call…

Critiquing Israel

The Melbourne Age discusses My Israel Question, the Jewish state’s racism and features yet another priceless quote from Federal Labor MP Michael Danby, the intellectual powerhouse of the Australian parliament. Memo to Danby and close mates: the book is now in its second printing and selling remarkably well. People are very interested in having this…

Pulling his head out

Zionist Federal Labor MP Michael Danby believes that academia should not be a place for rigorous questions or dissent about the Middle East: Prominent Jewish MP Michael Danby has accused two well-known academics of being one-sided over the Middle East conflict. “I grieve for the state of Middle East studies in Australia,” Labor MP Michael…

Room for all views

My following article appears in today’s Australian newspaper: The Israel lobby’s attempt to silence contrarian voices is counterproductive and undermines freedom of speech Truly free societies are defined by the limitations placed on free speech. What is permissible or illegal often determines the way we view subversive, extreme or outrageous opinions. The US is the…

Ballad of the SHJ

The following appears in today’s edition of the Crikey newsletter: by Guy Rundle (for Antony Loewenstein): He was trucking down Carlisle St With a bagel in his hand Someone said to someone Who is that awful man? Him? Oh my dear I thought you knew That’s the neurotic, self-hating Jew He thinks it’s not impossible…

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