Shared values

Chris Hedges is a reporter for The New York Times and an author. The following article has been refused publication across mainstream America. It’s title: “The Christian Right and the rise of American Fascism:”

“…And yet the powerbrokers in the Christian Right have moved from the fringes of society to the floor of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Christian fundamentalists now hold a majority of seats in 36 percent of all Republican Party state committees, or 18 of 50 states, along with large minorities in 81 percent of the rest of the states. Forty-five Senators and 186 members of the House of Representatives earned between an 80 to100 percent approval ratings from the three most influential Christian Right advocacy groups – The Christian Coalition, Eagle Forum, and Family Resource Council.

“Tom Coburn, the new senator from Oklahoma, has included in his campaign to end abortion a call to impose the death penalty on doctors that carry out abortions once the ban goes into place. Another new senator, John Thune, believes in Creationism. Jim DeMint, the new senator elected from South Carolina, wants to ban single mothers from teaching in schools. The Election Day exit polls found that 22 percent of voters identified themselves as evangelical Christians and Bush won 77 percent of their vote. The polls found that a plurality of voters said that the most important issue in the campaign had been ‘moral values.'”

As I’ve written before, the “values” debate is likely to be the defining challenge in the coming years. Western politicians are increasingly kow-towing to extremists in the community who fail to separate church and state. The very definition of a liberal democracy is at stake.

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