And the settlements go on and on

The invaluable al-Jazeera English reports: Israel has announced a partial moratorium on settlement construction. Yet, at the same time, it has invested in those already established in a bid to solidify their existence. In the Jordan Valley there are 22 settlements viewed as illegal under international law. But, as Al Jazeera’s Nicole Johnston reports, they…

Swimming in the dirty sea of Gaza

This week’s news from the wonderful blog Gaza Gateway (here’s last week’s edition): It’s become almost common knowledge that on any given day, anywhere from 40-50 million liters of untreated or partially treated sewage flow from Gaza’s sewage treatment plants into the Mediterranean Sea, and an additional 20 million liters seep into the ground, threatening…

Hamas willing to investigate its own crimes?

Al Jazeera English scores an exclusive interview with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya in Gaza and seemingly finds a regime far more willing to investigate its own crimes than Israel: Hamas says it is on the verge of starting its own investigation into whether it committed war crimes during Israel’s war on Gaza. The probe…

Stealing water the West Bank way

A recent Amnesty International report documented Israel’s illegal and discriminatory control of water in the Palestinian territories. Jewish settlers get what they want and Palestinians get very little. This al-Jazeera reports shows the reality on the ground (via Joseph Dana):

How the one-state solution has become more possible

Juan Cole in Salon argues the inevitable: Saeb Erekat, chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization Steering Committee, said Wednesday that Palestine Authority president Mahmoud Abbas should be frank with the Palestinian people and admit to them that there is no possibility of a two-state solution given continued Israeli colonization of the West Bank. It is…

Reporting Gaza, says al-Jazeera, must rely on new media

This week in Sydney the Media140 conference took place. One of the sessions was a presentation by Riyaad Minty, head of social media at al-Jazeera. Here’s a blog report about the event by Paul Farrell: Riyaad Minty, Head of Social Media at Al Jazeera was the next keynote speaker, and delivered a case study about…

Is al-Jazeera about to become a Zionist outlet?

Iran’s Press TV has the following report (interesting story though the last lines are impossible to confirm): An Israeli media tycoon has offered to buy the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera satellite television network from the government of Qatar. Haim Saban, has submitted an offer to the Qatari government in a bid to purchase half of the Doha…

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