Is the US capable of not only sending missiles to help Yemen?

Patrick Cockburn in the Independent on Washington’s seeming desperation to fall into al-Qaeda’s trap again and again and escalate militaristic policies in a Muslim land: There is ominous use by American politicians and commentators of the phrase “failed state” in relation to Yemen, as if this some how legitimised foreign intervention. It is extraordinary that…

Are we gearing up for Gaza 2?

Another war against Gaza? Here’s what establishment figure Bruce Riedel thinks. His bio speaks for itself: He’s a senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy in the Brookings Institution. He advised Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama on the Middle East and South Asia in the National Security Council of the White…

Wow, Obama asked me to sit next to him, says reporter

The New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman – he who can’t understand why Muslims aren’t more appreciative of being bombed to freedom – was recently invited to an exclusive audience with Barack Obama at the White House. Another present was the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder (a man who loves getting close to any official source he…

Blackwater is a clear and present danger to us all

The latest on Blackwater, the US military contractor, is fascinating and is once again discovered by Jeremy Scahill: In an explosive new article in The Nation magazine, investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill reveals the private military firm Blackwater is part of a covert program in Pakistan that includes planning the assassination and…

Silent but deadly US drone attacks are inspired by the Jewish state

I finally read Jane Mayer’s fascinating, recent piece in the New Yorker on Washington’s increasing reliance on Predator drones to kill “terrorists” and perceived enemies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. I was struck by the constant references to Israel and the Jewish state’s influence on this insidious business: The advent of the Predator targeted-killing program…

Obama either takes Palestinian justice seriously (or not)

Australians for Palestine public advocate Michael Shaik publishes the following in the Australian: Nine months since the end of the offensive, Gazans continue to live in plastic tents alongside the ruins off their homes because Israel refuses to allow building materials into Gaza. …  The Israeli government reasons that, by inflicting such punishment on Gaza’s…

Zionist enforcer slams anyone who dares speak of two-state solution

Following Israel Lobby co-author Steve Walt’s rational article in the Washington Post that simply outlined Barack Obama’s seeming inability or unwillingness to control a rampant Jewish state, Atlantic Zionist writer Jeffrey Goldberg responds with a typically vitriolic and fact-free side-swipe (after Walt expressed pleasure with J Street): J Street would be better off with Osama…

The Gaza that the world doesn’t want to see

The alleged emergence of al-Qaeda groups in Gaza – possibly backed and funded by Fatah and the Arab states – continues to cause uncertainty in the Strip: Palestinian Hamas authorities on Thursday deployed police heavily on main streets and junctions in the Gaza Strip a few days after two strong blasts hit the city with…

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