Notes from today’s speech in Sydney to support Wikileaks

Today’s rally in Sydney was a good event, attracting around 1000 people, all of whom wanted to show solidarity with what Wikileaks stands for; transparency and real free speech. My speech addressed the often complicity of the mainstream media in keeping government secrets away from the public. They want to be gate-keepers, close to power.…

Australian mainstream politician (“left-winger”) shows yet more love for Zionism

What an undignified state of affairs. Here’s Anthony Albanese, Australia’s federal minister for transport and infrastructure and the federal member for Sydney’s Grayndler, writing in today’s Australian about the supposed problems with the Sydney Marrickville council backing BDS. The piece is filled with mistakes, untruths and glaring omissions, such as: – Albanese is married to…

BDS hits inner Sydney and Greens are leading the charge

A very good piece by Fiona Byrne, the Greens candidate for the electorate of Marrickville in inner Sydney and the current Mayor of Marrickville Council, on ABC’s Unleashed on why BDS is so important and has the support of her constituents. People don’t want to support Israeli apartheid anymore: On December 14 last year, Marrickville…

A direct challenge to the Australian Greens on Israel/Palestine

The following statement is written by Australian Jewish academic Ned Curthoys. I agree with its sentiments: Antony and I had a dream last night in which the important resolution by the NSW Greens in December of last year in support of an economic and cultural boycott of the colonialist Zionist project in Israel/Palestine was quickly…

The ongoing war against public services (all hail the private)

A charming cover that speaks volumes about the obsessive love of privatisation in the corporate media. The cost to people’s lives is irrelevant; it’s all about “efficiency”. Yes: The Economist doesn’t seem to understand that you can’t actually run the public sector exactly like the private sector. You are not meant to and you cannot.…

We don’t need Israel to feel secure

American Jewish magazine Tikkun has turned 25. It’s covered matters related to the Middle East, from a left liberal perspective, for a long time, gradually becoming more alive to the impossibility of the two-state solution. Well, that’s my take anyway. I was asked to write a short reflection on this important milestone and it was…

Wikileaks rally in Sydney 15 January

Time Saturday, January 15 …· 1:00pm – 4:00pm Location Sydney Town Hall We will be marching to the US Consulate general and then to Hyde Park. Organised by the Support Wikileaks Coalition (Sydney). Speakers include: Antony Loewenstein – Independent journalist and author David Shoebridge – NSW Greens Wendy Bacon – Director of the Australian Centre…

Assange thanks Australians not clueless federal government

Presumably Assange isn’t thanking the supine Australian government, so desperate to please its American masters: Julian Assange has thanked Australia for its support of his – and Wikileaks – cause but called on Americans to tone down political rhetoric, saying those who incite violence should be charged with incitement to murder. Speaking to Fairfax in…

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