West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

Sydney streets were tinged with anger and passion

Alongside a huge turn-out in Sydney last night, the group wasn’t just from a Muslim background. I saw some Jews (well, a handful but hey, better than nothing) and many others, including Tamils: Thousands of protesters from Sydney’s Middle Eastern communities have rallied in Sydney’s CBD over humanitarian aid deaths near Gaza. The noisy protesters…

Please ask the hard questions about Israel’s anti-democratic streak

While Israel continues to hold two senior Australian journalists, including reporter Paul McGeough, in detention – wonderful media management there, Zionist state, just jolly, imagine what they’ll say about you when they leave – Deakin University’s Scott Burchill wants us to question the very nature of the current Israeli government: The humiliation of pro-Zionist Biden…

At least some Australian Jews condemn the outrage

The following statement was just released by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society: The terrible and deplorable deaths and injuries that occurred on board the Turkish flagged ship, the Mavi Marmara, one of a convoy of ships attempting to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, are not only heartbreaking for the immediate families of the…

Israel’s choice is clear

My following article appears in today in New Matilda: The deadly attack by Israeli forces on the Gaza relief ships has provoked global outrage, writes Antony Loewenstein. Has Israel bitten off more than it can chew this time? Within hours of Israel’s storming of the Gaza flotilla yesterday in international waters, Haaretz columnist Bradley Burston…

ABC asks Israel if it behaved and it says yes

How’s this for news judgment and shoddy “journalism”? Israel kills up to 20 people near Gaza and Australia’s leading evening current affairs program reports the story, then features an Israeli government spokesman, Mark Regev, for 10 minutes explaining the “official” position. Any thought given to actually speaking to somebody other than the ones who killed…

The Australian response

Unsurprisingly, the Greens have issued the strongest condemnation of Israel’s attack: The federal government has expressed sorrow at the deaths, and was last night trying to make contact with Australians involved in the Gaza flotilla. The Greens leader, Bob Brown, described the Israeli raid as ”shocking”. The Coalition’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Julie Bishop, said reports…

2SER radio interview about Israeli/Australian relations

Here’s my interview on Sydney’s 2SER Radio last weekend discussing Australia’s relationship with Israel after the passport forgery scandal (and note the embarassing comments before me by a Zionist lobbyist who essentially says Israel has the right to murder any “terrorist” they want).

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