The democracy formerly known as Victoria

Welcome to your likely new reality in the Australian state of Victoria: A new law introduced to the Victorian Parliament by the Brumby Government will give Victoria Police the power to search people randomly, and to strip search children and people with disabilities in violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms. A similar law has…

The mainstream media should not take free trips to Israel, repeat after me

Following Peter Hartcher’s article in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald that allowed Zionist spokespeople yet more opportunities to white-wash their crimes in Gaza, the following letter is published in today’s paper: Peter Hartcher’s reflection on the Goldstone report fails on a number of counts (”Israel feels tarnished as critics apply apartheid tag”, November 17). Hartcher repeats…

Our dear leader loves Israel in his toes

Isi Leibler on Australian political leaders and Israel: John Howard was instinctively, as a conservative, a friend of Israel. Kevin Rudd is a remarkable personality but I didn’t think he would maintain the course as he has. I regard him as a Christian Zionist – he understands and has some sympathy for us. Australia gives…

Zionist paper in Australia injects humour into its pages

The level of debate, nuance and understanding at the Australian Jewish News is clear in this week’s editorial on the Sydney Peace Prize being awarded to John Pilger: …Pilger, a polemicist who, despite early promise, has generally championed despots and terrorists. Yes, the paper is a deadly serious publication that deserves respect.

Britain’s Channel 4 looks into the reach of the Zionist lobby

Can you imagine a leading current affairs program in the US or Australia investigating the tentacles of the Zionist lobby? Hardly: Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half…

Organising mass violence and Australia laps it up

Australian academic and writer Scott Burchill is one of the more astute commentators in the country. His latest missive is spot-on (see below). Why do we allow generals and men in uniform to keep on telling us that wars are noble and important? Jim Molan (ex-Australian military) is regularly in blogs and in the papers…

Some Palestinians still want American approval to breath

The Melbourne Age editorialises today that, “if the settlement activity continues, Israel will have no partner for peace” – it’s a pretty soft piece, but at least acknowledges that Zionists are running out of time with the one-state equation gaining global traction – the US-backed Palestinian Authority continues on its merry way towards Palestinian “independence”:…

Compassionate and anti-war, the sign of true leadership

A fine piece of analysis from leading Australian academic Damien Kingsbury published in Friday’s Crikey. Note the opposition to war, injection of nuance into the debate, avoidance of demonisation and clear moral purpose. In other words, vastly different to most “serious” academics and journalists parading themselves in the media. There’s always a war to support…

The Greens official Middle East policy is clear

Following the recent discussions within the Greens over the one-state solution, the following message was posted to Crikey yesterday: David Shoebridge, Convenor, The Greens NSW, writes: For clarity I would appreciate it if you could place this statement on the record regarding Antony Loewenstein’s article. While the Greens NSW has agreed to discuss a possible…

When one, tiny nation didn’t like war crimes in Gaza

Satire is dead. One little country dares vote to investigate war crimes in Gaza and the Jewish state is appalled, outraged and probably about to accuse the country of anti-Semitism. Ludicrous: Israel is sending a foreign ministry official to the Solomon Islands next week to seek an explanation as to why it was the only…

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