How the Murdoch press always finds a connection between Palestine and terrorism

Sometimes, just sometimes, there is accountability in the Australian media. The following adjudication from the Australian Press Council was released this month: The Press Council has upheld a complaint by Moammar Mashni about a photograph accompanying an article entitled Aussie war graves in line of fire that appeared in The Herald Sun on February 6,…

Time to welcome open debate

Following yesterday’s article in the Australian newspaper by two supposed leftist academics praising Israel, my following letter appears in the paper today: Israel recent war against the Gazan people has caused many people around the world, including Jews, to reassess their support for Israel. With countless men, women and children murdered and the illegal use…

What to do with dwindling friends?

The saga of the “controversial” play Seven Jewish Children continues in the letter’s section of today’s Age newspaper: Amid the anger over Jewish Care’s decision to cancel the performance of Seven Jewish Children, I feel facts have been neglected in the debate. The performance was sponsored by Australians for Palestine, a virulently anti-Israel lobbying group,…

When Israel becomes a normal country, let us know

The storm in a teacup over the upcoming Melbourne reading of Seven Jewish Children is challenged by one of the stars of the performance, Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes, in today’s Age: SEVEN Jewish Children is a very moving piece by a writer I have worked with before, a very good writer. It encapsulates the problems…

When unions back oppression

The following message was sent to the Trade Union Action Committee of the British Palestine Solidarity Campaign: An interesting notice appears on the website of The under the title “New labour movement is ”˜pro-peace’” (30 April 2009). The article states that: “A new international trades union movement committed to work for peace between Israel…

Blame those leftist extremists, please

Long-time supporters of Israel are having a tough time at the moment. War crimes were committed in Gaza during the recent war. The prospects of a two-state solution are beyond grim. Western-led tensions between Hamas and Gaza are real. The new Israeli government has no intention of seriously pushing for peace, only worsening the West…

Another day, another own goal by the Zionist community

Following the story in the Melbourne Age yesterday of news that Jewish Care had cancelled a fund-raising performance by actress Miriam Margolyes due to her involvement in the play Seven Jewish Children, the paper today publishes the following letters: THOSE people who did not have a chance to hear Miriam Margolyes on Monday missed a…

Seven Jewish Children

Zionists in Australia call it “anti-Semitic”. So do Zionists in Canada. Likewise in the US. Seven Jewish Children is a play about Jewish responsibility and culpability over Palestinian suffering. Here’s the script: No children appear in the play. The speakers are adults, the parents and if you like other relations of the children. The lines…

It’s not 1943 Warsaw, people

What the hell is wrong with these Jews? Are we so insecure that any criticism of Israel will upset the oh-so-delicate Jewish sensibility? A prominent Jewish actor has been dropped from a fundraiser run by a Jewish welfare organisation because she is in a controversial play about Israel. British actor Miriam Margolyes was due to…

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