Jewish community divided over Israeli/Hamas conflict

The following article, by Michael Rogers, appears in today’s Sydney Wentworth Courier newspaper: A senior Israeli diplomat has called on Australian Jews protesting against Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip to visit the conflict zone and see the Israeli people’s suffering for themselves. More than 120 prominent Jewish Australians, including anti-Zionist author Antony Loewenstein…

Australian Jews slam Gaza invasion as ”˜abominable’

The following article, in the leading global Jewish news service JTA, appeared yesterday: An Australian Jewish group slammed Israel’s invasion of Gaza as “inhuman,” “superfluous,” and “abominable.” Independent Australian Jewish Voices, an off-shoot of the British group founded in February 2007, said in a statement this week that while Israel has the right to self-defense,…

Australian Jews condemn Israel’s attack on Gaza

The following article, from Agence France-Presse, is published in today’s Australian: More than 100 Australian Jews have condemned Israel’s invasion of Gaza, describing the action as “inhuman” and “abominable.” They include two authors and a former federal minister. “We are Australian Jews who join thousands in Israel and around the world condemning ongoing Israeli military…

Australian Jews slam ‘inhuman’ Gaza conflict

The following story appears on the ABC today: More than 100 Australian Jews have signed a letter describing Israel’s military action in Gaza as disproportionate. The letter has been written by the group Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Among the signatories is the former Whitlam government MP Moss Cass, the writer Linda Jaivin, and the New…

Australian Jews protest against Israel’s action

The following article, by Andrew West and Jonathan Pearlman, appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: More than 100 Australian Jews, including two award-winning novelists and a former federal cabinet minister, have signed a statement condemning Israel’s siege of Gaza, heightening tensions within the local Jewish community over the violence. The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, meanwhile…

Gaza invasion over the top: Jewish group

The following article, by Barney Zwartz, appears in today’s Melbourne Age: More than 100 Australian Jews, including some prominent members of the Jewish community, have condemned Israel’s incursion into Gaza as “inhuman, superfluous and abominable”. They have signed a statement disowning the military assault as grossly disproportionate and claiming it was Israel that violated the…

How to dismantle Zionism in a few easy steps

Following the recent establishment of the Australian-based Committee for the Dismantling of Zionism – and its comment on the Gaza outrage – the statement of aims for the new group is below: JOHN DOCKER and NED CURTHOYS Committee for the Dismantling of Zionism Statement of Aims 1. In the Gandhian tradition of non-violence, the committee…

Rare voice of local reason

The Australian Greens released the following necessary statement yesterday: Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown has called on acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard to add Australia’s weight to calls on Israel to end the gross and disproportionate violence and bombing of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. “We call on the acting Prime Minister to speak out…

Gaza media statement

The following email was just sent to the over 500-strong Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) mailing list: Dear friends, We have drafted the following letter and are planning to post it on our IAJV website and also send it to the major newspapers including the Australian Jewish News. We invite your signature. If you wish…

Gaza distorted by the media lens

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on Online Opinion: Palestinians are paying the price for what we in the West are doing, or rather, failing to do. Israel and its “supporters” rely on rewriting history even as it happens, with the complicity of our media and politicians. The average television viewer…

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