Overland Journal tackles “After Zionism”

The following review of After Zionism by Jeff Sparrow appears in Overland Journal: After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moor (eds) SAQI In the media, particularly in Australia, the ”˜two-state solution’ to the Palestine/Israel crisis – that is to say, the proposition that peace depends upon the creation of…

Latest news from Independent Australian Jewish News

The following newsletter was just sent to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices… email list: Hi all, There are a number of IAJV-sponsored and related events coming up that we would like you to know about. The first event begins in Sydney this weekend; it features Sahar Vardi and Micha Kurz, two Israeli activists and former IDF…

“Left Turn” reviewed in The Age/Sydney Morning Herald

The following review by Fiona Capp… of my recently released book with Jeff Sparrow… appears in today’s paper: It hardly needs stating that we live in a time of economic crisis and political uncertainty. And yet our leaders offer no alternative visions and pay little heed to stirrings of unrest. As these essays show, and as any…

Playing politics with Palestine? Perish the thought

Israel’s trusted friend in the Australian media, Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian, today publishes a piece that is so banal as to be comical. Guess what people, BDS supporters and Palestinian backers are daring to “play politics” with human rights in the Middle East. And what exactly does the Zionist lobby and Zionist propagandists in our…

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