Easter in occupied, Palestinian Bethlehem

Life in occupied Palestine can be tough for students just trying to live daily life. I regularly publish the writings of… Brother Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University (see here) and the following is his latest missive: Easter Sunday 31 March 2013 I greet you again from this holy city of Jerusalem where we…

Two-state solution in Palestine dead, buried and cremated

Last year I co-edited a book with Ahmed Moor called After Zionism (re-issued this week with an updated introduction). It’s about the one-state solution and the reasons this outcome is the most just for both Israelis and Palestinians. This piece in Salon discusses, after Barack Obama’s visit to Israel and Palestine last week, the illusion…

Obama damns Israeli occupation but will do nothing to stop it

The expectations around Barack Obama in Israel and Palestine were low. This visit was all about showing love for Israel and Zionism with a touch of criticism if it wouldn’t upset his hosts. Noam Sheizaf at +972 correctly explains that pretty words aren’t useful in this conflict: Measuring the value or effect of a speech…

Obama apparently believes Israel is a neurotic child needing cuddles

The Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg tells Haaretz as Barack Obama touches down in Israel: President Obama listened carefully to the things President Clinton told him. I believe he now understands that the Israelis are a damaged, lonely and neurotic people who face genuine threats to their existence, so they need love badly. Obama won’t embrace…

Wait, why is Obama really going to Israel again?

Barack Obama is soon to land in Israel and only a fool believes the US President is doing anything other than appeasing the Zionist lobby, occupation backers, the arms industry and other cretins and fools. Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Barack Obama has decided to punish the Israelis: He is talking to them as if they…

New poll finds most Americans not keen on being droned to death

Satirist… Andy Borowitz has the exclusive results in the New Yorker: In a possible setback for the Administration’s controversial drone policy, a new poll conducted by the University of Minnesota shows that a broad majority of Americans are opposed to being killed by a drone strike on U.S. soil. The poll, which has a margin of…

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