Hicks demands justice and transparency for being abused in our care

A welcome development to erase the stain of the ongoing “war on terror”. I look forward to hearing those in Australia who backed David Hicks’ incarceration and torture saying sorry for this terrible injustice: David Hicks has enlisted legal experts in the hope of having his terrorism conviction quashed. In the three years since his…

What would a progressive agenda look like?

I’ve spent the last 24 hours traveling across the world (currently in Canada) and read this fascinating 17,000 word essay by Eric Alterman in The Nation. It discusses the importance of a progressive agenda, the difficulty of achieving this in the US with so many vested interests, the disappointment of Barack Obama, lobbying in the…

Indict Bush and Cheney, says Fox contributor

If America was a nation that believed in applying law equally to all: This weekend Fox Business host (and frequent Fox News contributor) Judge Andrew Napolitano sat down with Ralph Nader to discuss, among other things, allegations that, under the Bush Administration detainees civil rights were violated. In the interview that aired on C-Span, Napolitano…

How many people are still locked up at Gitmo?

The running sore of Guantanamo Bay shows no sign of abating: In a comprehensive recent study, Physicians for Human Rights alleges that healthcare professionals experimented on human subjects in order to hone the torture techniques authorized by the Bush Administration. The Department of Justice’s retracted torture memoranda advise that doctors should be involved at every…

The US Israel lobby assist in the colonisation process

Just in case readers weren’t clear on the relationship between the American Zionist lobby and the West Bank occupation (thanks to an Israeli journalist for explaining): The West Bank construction freeze of all things should not be a problem: Firstly, because there was really never a full freeze, even for a moment. Secondly, because it’s…

Unprecedented hostility towards Israel, says New York Times

Roger Cohen in the New York Times: I hear more hostility to Israel around the world than at any time I can recall. The United States, traumatized, made mistakes after 9/11. Too often, it shunned prudence and rode roughshod. Israel is in some ways an extension of the United States. The line between what’s domestic…

Finkelstein shows the weakness of Obama on Palestine

The latest interview with Norman Finkelstein this week, on GritTV, on the meeting a few days ago between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu that showed the real face of Washington towards the Middle East; weak, blindly pro-Israel and deep with empty rhetoric. America will not solve this conflict:

White House rolls out the silver cutlery for Netanyahu

In case you were wondering what Benjamin Netanyahu ate with the entire Obama administration team a few days ago in Washington (fine journalism, indeed): The kosher lunch menu included chopped White House garden salad with honey-apple cider dressing, thyme-roasted chicken with spring peas, leek puree and potato croutons, with apricot torte with White House honey…

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