How Obama betrayed the rights of a tortured man

A New York Times editorial of necessary clarity: The Supreme Court’s refusal to consider the claims of Maher Arar, an innocent Canadian who was sent to Syria to be tortured in 2002, was a bitterly disappointing abdication of its duty to hold officials accountable for illegal acts. The Bush administration sent Mr. Arar to outsourced…

Israeli Jews really just want “yes” people in the US

A curious and rather predictable poll (and why are Israeli Arabs seemingly never asked anything in such polls? They are 20% of Israel’s population but clearly don’t matter too much to most people). On the one hand Israeli Jews want the world to butt out and on the other hand they want American Jews to…

We can crush your balls and get away with it

The seemingly never-ending outrage of America’s “war on terror”, with the complicity continuing under the Obama administration. Democracy Now! reports: In a major setback for holding US officials accountable for rendition and torture, the Supreme Court has rejected Arar’s lawsuit against the US government. Arar was seized at New York’s Kennedy Airport in 2002 on…

Throwing money to Abbas won’t halt the dogs of war

The startling ineptitude and chosen powerlessness of Barack Obama, after speaking in Washington to Palestinian puppet leader Mahmoud Abbas: U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday called on Israel to work with all parties to find a solution for Gaza and offered the Palestinians $400 million in new aid as Washington sought to contain the fallout…

Washington dares to say that a Jewish state should grant equal rights for all

Here’s something radical. An American President who talks about equal rights for all citizens in Israel. Seriously, this is the “far-left” Barack Obama: U.S. President Barack Obama has updated America’s official vision of Israel’s future to stress that the Jewish state must ensure equal rights for Israeli Arabs. His new National Security Strategy, released by…

Being sprayed by Rahm’s water gun, a reporter’s breathless tale

Why are some of America’s biggest journalists attending a beach party with senior members of the Obama administration, including Joe Biden, then telling the world how much they love the down-time? Not hard to see why and Salon’s Glenn Greenwald is right: …All of this just helpfully reveals what our nation’s leading “journalists” really are:… … desperate…

Hillary shot by Israel but nothing to report here

A revealing story told to American journalist Alexander Cockburn: A friend of mine gave a good parody of the servile posture of the U.S. government and press: “I think,” he wrote to me, “that matters are close to the point where if Hillary Clinton and a group of senior American officials were meeting the Israeli…

Waiting for President Palin

The increasingly vocal liberal Zionist Peter Beinart on the fear, loathing and anticipation gripping the Israeli government and its American backers: Netanyahu’s response to the Gaza blockade crisis shows just how out of touch he is with America. Peter Beinart on why Israeli leaders—and their U.S. defenders—need to join the age of Obama. This week,…

Talking BDS post flotilla massacre

My following interview with Green Left Weekly appears today: Sydney-based journalist and author Antony Loewenstein is an outspoken critic of Israeli policies and author of the best-selling 2006 book My Israel Question. He is the co-founder of advocacy group Independent Australian Jewish Voices and is a board member of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East…

Talk to Hamas now, says Turkey

While the New York Times calls for better relations between Israel and Turkey – and even urges Israel to end its siege on Gaza – Ankara has its own ideas about moving forward (via The Cable): As the crisis over a deadly Israeli commando raid on a vessel carrying Turkish activists continued to command the…

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