How to describe the Gaza experience

Jewish writer and blogger Phil Weiss recently returned from Gaza. His latest report is stunning: Over two weeks in the Middle East, I came to the idea that Israel/Palestine has become an epicenter of hatred; and hatred flows out to the outside world from both sides. The insistence that all of Palestine is Palestinian and…

Seriously, Arabs are humans, right?

A Palestinian blogger comments on Israel’s proposed “loyalty” law: I am Mohammed Al Safoori. I swear by the Torah of the Jews that I will be a loyal citizen to the State of Israel, and will respect traffic regulations, pay my taxes and put up a picture of Mira Awad in my living room. I…

Obama in Cairo

My following article was published today on the popular US website Mondoweiss: Back in 2005, then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave a rousing speech at Cairo’s American University. “For sixty years”, she argued, “my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East…

Shoddy behaviour will catch up with you

This news is welcome in a nation such as China where web repression is deep: A Chinese academic has successfully sued an internet company for closing his website after he posted articles on subjects including corruption and environmental issues. Hu Xingdou, professor of economics at the Beijing Institute of Technology, said he hoped his case…

Blogging may be the future, perhaps

The Sydney Writer’s Festival was a blast over the weekend. One of the highlights was speaking and hanging with the author of Stuff White People Like, Christian Lander. Funny man, a very funny and perceptive man. Writer Irfan Yusuf – whose book, Once Were Radicals, I launched a few weeks ago in Sydney – had…

Sydney Writer’s Festival 2009

I’ll be appearing tomorrow at the Sydney Writer’s Festival. The first one, at 10am, is described thus: James Maskalyk’s and Christian Lander’s books found their genesis in the new and powerful form of journalism, the blogosphere. Antony Loewenstein’s The Blogging Revolution is about the global tribe of bloggers who live and write under repressive regimes.…

What we do is right because we say so

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald celebrates the release in Iran of journalist Roxana Saberi but highlights the American media’s blindness in the face of Washington’s even more extreme treatment of reporters: Many people scoff at the notion that the American media propagandizes the American citizenry, but here one sees the vivid essence of that process. …  Our…

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