Prepare for a big Wikileaks dump on banking corruption

Oh my: The offshore bank account details of 2,000 “high net worth individuals” and corporations – detailing massive potential tax evasion – will be handed over to the WikiLeaks organisation in London tomorrow by the most important and boldest whistleblower in Swiss banking history, Rudolf Elmer, two days before he goes on trial in his…

Israel shares its murdering ways with good friends and allies

Just remind me why Western leaders aren’t complicit in countless war crimes? Israel’s military has been training British troops to fly drones similar to those used in alleged war crimes against Palestinians, Sky News has learned. Britain is buying 30 Watchtower WK450 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) which are based on the Israeli Elbit Hermes 450…

The ongoing war against public services (all hail the private)

A charming cover that speaks volumes about the obsessive love of privatisation in the corporate media. The cost to people’s lives is irrelevant; it’s all about “efficiency”. Yes: The Economist doesn’t seem to understand that you can’t actually run the public sector exactly like the private sector. You are not meant to and you cannot.…

Assange hanging in Gitmo

Who would trust the Americans? Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, could be at “real risk” of the death penalty or detention in Guantánamo Bay if he is extradited to Sweden on accusations of rape and sexual assault, his lawyers claim. In a skeleton summary of their defence against attempts by the Swedish director of…

Because Israel can really speak credibly about accepting Palestinians

So it’s battle of the belligerent? Neither side here – Israel nor the Palestinian Authority – have much credibility with peace, understanding or recognition. If the Zionist lobby is pleased now, let’s not forget they completely ignored the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in previous ads of their own. Sigh: The Board of…

Serco, we’re watching you

Because Serco’s record remains deeply troubling, it’s no wonder the Australian government continues giving the company millions of dollars. Hello, media? A second inquest into the death of the youngest person to die in custody begins today after a high court battle. Adam Rickwood was just 14 when he died in August 2004. He was…

Monbiot takes on critics and shows transparency

What a shame it’s come to this. George Monbiot, wonderful British columnist, journalist and author, has written a short piece about his finances to prove he has nothing to hide from critics who spend absurd amounts of time criticising anybody who dares challenge the status-quo. I salute him: Regular readers will know that I have…

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