How much information is too much?

Is data journalism? Britain asks the question, as the government is about to release masses of information: Freeing up government data formed a key part of the three main parties’ manifestos and now the coalition government has pledged some major launches, the first of which we could see in the next few days. “We will…

Starting to look at the torture regime led by London

What Britain is now doing. Let’s not be under any illusions about a Tory Minister allegedly looking into torture by a previous government – after all, major parties in most democracies usually protect the other from serious investigations into foreign policy issues – but such events aren’t happening in the US or Australia: The judicial…

Liberal Zionism debates what Judaism should be in the 21st century

I’m coming late to this essay but there’s a long piece in the New York Review of Books by Peter Beinart talking about the failure of American Jewish elites and the wider Zionist community to understand the real effects of blind backing for Israel. Arabs are openly loathed and yet liberal, American Jewry is walking…

If Britain was serious about human rights in Palestine

A strong letter in the UK Guardian that puts some necessary pressure on Britain’s new Deputy Prime Minister. Speaking about “change” is politically necessary these days, but alas, what does it really bring to the people under American or British occupation? To the British deputy prime minister: Dear Nick Clegg, This is a request for…

What the West has brought the children of Fallujah (ie. not joy)

An important CNN report (simply being in the mainstream media is key) that highlights growing birth defects in Iraq: A large and growing number of Iraqi children are suffering from severe birth defects, as shown in the heartbreaking CNN segment embedded below, and their parents blame alleged U.S. chemical-weapons attacks. Lawyers representing the families have…

Clegg loves Israel (how could he not?) but urges some changes

Britain’s Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, currently the man of the hour in the UK, told Haaretz this week about his real views on Israel: “As to the accusations that I am hostile to Israel, my actions prove the opposite. I have always sharply opposed various efforts to impose academic and cultural sanctions on Israel.…

Does the JPost want Israel to be utterly alone in the world?

A typically arrogant Jerusalem Post editorial. Israel couldn’t survive without Diaspora support so God forbid some of us are critical about the state’s policies. Let them try and live for one day without Uncle Sam (and Western Jews) by their side: A group of European Jews, apparently working under the premise that Israel’s leaders lack…

The Jewish state may soon end sending public officials into the firing line

A few Israelis are challenged in the West and the state considers ending public talks? Perhaps isolation of Zionism is having more of an effect than we think: Foreign Ministry officials are considering stopping the lectures by senior figures around the world, particularly in Britain.…  The reason: The outspoken verbal attacks by students and pro-Palestinian…

Greens finally make their mark in the UK

Despite the British electoral chaos, a small piece of history occurred yesterday: The Green Party was this morning celebrating having its first MP in Britain with the election of Caroline Lucas. She won the Brighton Pavillion constituency from Labour in what many consider is the nation’s most ‘alternative’ city. The leader of the Greens was…

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