Israelis may have to avoid their favourite luxury spots

The recent story of Tzipi Livni and her possible arrest in Britain over war crimes continues to play out: Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Tuesday met Tuesday with British Attorney General Baroness Patricia Janet Scotland to protest the slew of arrest warrants issued against senior Israeli officials in the United Kingdom. A delegation of…

Understand that last year’s Gaza assault was only the beginning

Gazans are remembering their dead after Israel’s attack. But according to the New York Times: In the year since Israel launched its devastating military offensive against Hamas in Gaza, the country’s political and military leaders have faced intense international condemnation and accusations of possible war crimes. But Israel seems to have few qualms. Officials and…

Sri Lanka, tourist destination for the blind

At a time of gross human rights abuses in Sri Lanka, rely on the British Labour party to ignore decency: Ben Bradshaw, the Cabinet minister responsible for tourism, was facing criticism last night for flying to Sri Lanka for a Christmas holiday two days after the British Government raised “serious concerns” about human rights in…

Exporting bananas from Hebron will rot quickly

The British government is moving slowly to isolate products in the West Bank and label them appropriately. The territories in Palestine are illegally occupied by Jews, it’s as simple as that. Israel is fighting back (which is something the Jewish state is doing a lot of at the moment, when the global battle for legitimacy…

Who is a Jew? (don’t ask the Jews)

Very interesting developments in Britain over the role of religious schooling. Why should Jews (or any religion, for that matter) have the right to determine who is “really” Jewish? It’s a complex question that often leads to exclusion rather than inclusion: A Jewish school was guilty of racial discrimination in the way it operated its…

Accountability is coming for Israel and its followers

The attempt by pro-Palestinian groups in the UK to legally apprehend Israeli politician Tzipi Livni has caused outrage in the Zionist world and corporate press. The Jerusalem Post helpfully provides a summary (and note the outrage that an Israeli, or by implication any Western leader, would ever need to answer for their actions): Senior Israeli…

Israeli politicians should keep looking over their shoulders

The case of Israeli politician Tzipi Livni avoiding the UK due to concerns over her legal status continues to echo. The British government is deeply embarassed, pro-Palestinian activists are emboldened and Zionist officials are issuing defensive statements: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the situation was “an absurdity”. “We will not accept a situation in which…

Tzipi Livni avoids UK for fear of quiet time in prison

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was welcomed in Australia recently with open arms by the Rudd government. In Britain, however, Israeli leaders are having far more issues: Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni cancelled a visit to Britain this weekend over fears pro-Palestinian lawyers would seek to have her arrested. Ms Livni had been due…

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