Zionist impunity may be coming to an end

What was once on the fringes is now gaining serious momentum: British union leaders were locked in talks last night over whether to recommend to their delegates a boycott of all consumer goods produced in Israel. Members of the TUC have condemned Israel’s military strikes on Gaza in January, which left 1,450 Palestinians dead and…

A journalist’s price for going undercover

This smells fishy (and displays the kind of overly macho attitude all-too-common in the “war on terror”): Hostage negotiators expressed shock and anger at Gordon Brown’s decision to approve a commando raid to free a kidnapped British journalist, saying that they were within days of securing his release through peaceful means. Stephen Farrell — who…

Public broadcasting is vital for democracy

Yet more evidence that the general public is far smarter than a self-interested media mogul: Viewers and listeners are rallying around the BBC, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today. It shows rising levels of trust in the broadcaster and increased public support for the licence fee. The results challenge claims that the BBC’s growth…

How the corporate media continues to sell the Lockerbie lie

The Lockberie story, covered in supposedly intimate detail in the Western press, appears to be a scandal of massive proportions. John Pilger fills in more of the missing pieces: Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was convicted by three Scottish judges sitting in a courtroom in “neutral” Holland. There was no jury. One of the few reporters…

Who will stop these Lockerbie lies?

William Blum, author of Killing Hope, on just the latest “outrage” about terrorism: If there’s anyone out there who is not already thoroughly cynical about those on the board of directors of the planet, the latest chapter in the saga of the bombing of PanAm 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland might just be enough to push…

More Jews needed to whitewash our crimes

Many deluded fools believe that if only Israel improved its PR the world would embrace its racist policies and ignore the occupation. Actually, Israel is increasingly loathed because its contempt for Arabs is clear for all to see. Some British Jews this week are a little upset, poor dears: The editor of The Jewish Chronicle…

Killing white South Africans was fine with me

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband on the BBC: Yes, there are circumstances in which it [terrorism] is justifiable, and yes, there are circumstances in which it is effective. The importance for me is that the Israel example proved something remarkable: the apartheid regime looked like a regime that would last for ever and it was…

Manipulating Jews with their eye opens

Seth Freedman writes in the Guardian about the myopic British Jewish community and their blind obedience to the state of Israel. These issues are equally relevant in Australia, where a communal leadership tries to stifle alternative voices but has only achieved pushing more Jews away from the establishment: The latest figures on antisemitic hate crimes…

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