When Israel becomes a normal country, let us know

The storm in a teacup over the upcoming Melbourne reading of Seven Jewish Children is challenged by one of the stars of the performance, Jewish actress Miriam Margolyes, in today’s Age: SEVEN Jewish Children is a very moving piece by a writer I have worked with before, a very good writer. It encapsulates the problems…

Another day, another own goal by the Zionist community

Following the story in the Melbourne Age yesterday of news that Jewish Care had cancelled a fund-raising performance by actress Miriam Margolyes due to her involvement in the play Seven Jewish Children, the paper today publishes the following letters: THOSE people who did not have a chance to hear Miriam Margolyes on Monday missed a…

It’s not 1943 Warsaw, people

What the hell is wrong with these Jews? Are we so insecure that any criticism of Israel will upset the oh-so-delicate Jewish sensibility? A prominent Jewish actor has been dropped from a fundraiser run by a Jewish welfare organisation because she is in a controversial play about Israel. British actor Miriam Margolyes was due to…

The Zionist lobby is felt by all and sundry

The Australian Jewish News (AJN) conducts a very serious investigation into the “Jewish lobby” in Australia and finds no evidence of it at all: There is no evidence that professional Jewish groups collude to lobby the Government to work in favour of the Jewish community or Israel. This statement is utterly false. There is a…

Power of the people

Dawn is Pakistan’s leading English language paper. Today it publishes a review by Mustafa Qadri of my book, The Blogging Revolution: Hot on the heels of his last book, My Israel Question (a history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine from the perspective of an anti-Zionist Jewish Australian), freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein delves into the…

Sri Lanka is a nation we support. Why?

A speech was given recently in Qatar for World Press Freedom Day. Murdered Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge was posthumously given the World Press Freedom Prize 2009. His niece, Natalie Samarasinghe, read out a statement from his widow, Sonali Samarasinghe Wickrematunge: The free Sri Lanka in which I was born no longer exists. Our country…

A conversation that needs to be had

2009 Russia may be a human rights nightmare, but this is encouraging: On April 22nd Dmitry Anatol’yevich Medvedev became the first Russian president to launch a comment-enabled blog on Russia’s broadest, most contentious political blogging platform, Zhivoy Zhurnal (LiveJournal), or ZheZhe as it is informally known. He will be blogging by video, so he inaugurated…

Not accepting Zionist rules

The harassment of peace activists New Profile in Israel leaves many of us concerned (including Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy.) The group itself writes: The attempted criminalization of New Profile amounts to no less than a state war on youth. Rising numbers of young Jewish Israelis (as well as members of the Druze minority also subject…

When truth isn’t on your side

A statement from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel: The impressive growth of the Palestinian civil society campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, particularly after its criminal war of aggression on the occupied Gaza Strip, is testimony to the morality and consistency of ordinary citizens and civil…

Don’t protest in the Zionist state

Jewish Peace News reports: Last week, seven activists (five of them from New Profile), were surprised in their homes by Israeli policeman, brought in for interrogation and their computers confiscated. … New Profile is being investigated for allegedly “inciting to evade military service.” The charges are bizarre, since New Profile, which works against militarism in Israeli…

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