How Donald Trump threatens Obama's baby steps towards the "war on drugs"

My article in US magazine Truthout: President Barack Obama’s drug war legacy is paved with partially good intentions. It differed greatly between his domestic agenda and around the world. The former showed signs of bravery, challenging decades of draconian and counterproductive policy toward drug users and dealers,… reducing… the number of incarcerated men and women across the…

Growing ties between Israel and the global far-right

My investigation, for MidEastWire publication, researched over many months: The global sound of fury and shock heralded by the win of Donald Trump as the new U.S. President wasn’t heard in Israel. A poll, released in early December by the firm Dialog, found that 83 percent of Israelis viewed Trump as “pro-Israel” and hoped he…

Around the Empire interview on disaster capitalism, aid and the Middle East

Around the Empire podcast, based in the US, interviews me about my book, Disaster Capitalism, Israel/Palestine, the dangers and advantages of aid and the Trump administration: On this episode of Around The Empire, Dan and Joanne interview journalist Antony Loewenstein about his new book and upcoming film… Disaster Capitalism.… Loewenstein has traveled to the United States,… Britain, Afghanistan,…

Talking Disaster Capitalism under Trump in NYC

My book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, has just been released in paperback (via Verso Books). It’s never been more relevant in the age of Trump, privatisation on crack, shadowy wars and abusive immigration policies. Last week in New York, I launched the book at the great Manhattan bookstore, Mcnally Jackson. In…

How Israel is gradually privatising its occupation of Palestine

My investigation in US magazine The Nation (print and online) about Israel privatising its occupation of Palestinian land. It’s co-written with the great, London-based journalist Matt Kennard. This work continues my years-long research into disaster capitalism globally: It’s 4:30… am… with the moon still high in the sky, but Palestinians from across the West Bank are already…

Haiti, Hurricane Matthew and forgetting history

Haiti is currently cleaning up from the devastating Hurricane Matthew but thankfully there are questions being asked about the viability and usefulness of foreign aid as well as the debts the poverty-stricken nation endures. It’s a key theme in my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe (out in paperback in January), as…

Where are the mineral resources in Afghanistan (French edition)?

Last December US magazine The Nation published my investigation into the resource curse in Afghanistan. I visited the war-torn country in 2015 to film my Disaster Capitalism documentary (we’re currently working on the rough cut). French news website Ulyces has translated the piece (part 1 and part 2). This follows their translation of my Foreign…

US Writer's Voice radio interview on Disaster Capitalism

A few months ago I was interviewed on the US radio program, Writer’s Voice with Francesca Rheannon, about my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe (out in paperback in January). We spoke for an hour about war, immigration, Haiti relief and people making money from misery.

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