This is what a large section of Israel thinks today

This was forwarded by a reliable contact in the US (both the video above and the story below): I got this from a friend, Ran, who studies at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva (south of Israel). It’s a demo organized by students SUPPORTING the flotilla slaughter. In local terms, these are not even really…

Israel the peace-maker (in their nightmares)

And Israel wonders why some responded to such blatant provocations in international law? Yes, far better if they had simply stood still and enjoyed the experience: Israeli troops used tear gas and electroshock weapons during their brutal attack against civilians onboard an international aid convoy, a Greek activist says. “They fired rubber coated bullets, tear…

West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

Sydney streets were tinged with anger and passion

Alongside a huge turn-out in Sydney last night, the group wasn’t just from a Muslim background. I saw some Jews (well, a handful but hey, better than nothing) and many others, including Tamils: Thousands of protesters from Sydney’s Middle Eastern communities have rallied in Sydney’s CBD over humanitarian aid deaths near Gaza. The noisy protesters…

Gazans feel a few days of freedom

A small but welcome step (considering Egypt is a client state) and a slap in the face to Israel’s insane, cruel and counter-productive siege on Gaza: Egypt opened its border with the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, letting Palestinians cross until further notice amid a storm of international criticism of Israel’s blockade of the enclave, officials…

When killing activists on one boat isn’t enough

More violence please, we’re Israeli: Israel will use more aggressive force in the future to prevent ships from breaking the sea blockade on the Gaza Strip, a top Navy commander told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. “We boarded the ship and were attacked as if it was a war,” the officer said. “That will mean…

Focusing on power politics always leaves the innocent out

This front page story in today’s Washington Post indicates the real flaws in so much corporate reporting on the Middle East. What’s the angle and who’s affected? Not the people under occupation in Palestine (or elsewhere) but the diplomatic act between two major powers: The worldwide condemnation of the deadly Israeli assault on the Gaza…

Please ask the hard questions about Israel’s anti-democratic streak

While Israel continues to hold two senior Australian journalists, including reporter Paul McGeough, in detention – wonderful media management there, Zionist state, just jolly, imagine what they’ll say about you when they leave – Deakin University’s Scott Burchill wants us to question the very nature of the current Israeli government: The humiliation of pro-Zionist Biden…

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