Here’s how Israel sees civilians on unarmed boats

Here’s the initial Zionist spin of the Gaza flotilla (thank you Jerusalem Post): IDF Navy commandos encountered fierce resistance early Monday morning as they boarded international aid ships on the way to Gaza to break the Israeli blockade of the Strip. According to defense officials, upon boarding the ships the commandos were attacked by activists…

Murder on the high seas

And it gets worse: Israel Navy troops opened fire on pro-Palestinian activists aboard a six-ship aid flotilla sailing for the Gaza Strip, killing at least 10 and wounding several others after the convoy ignored orders to turn back, Turkey’s NTV reported early Monday. NTV… said between 10 and 15 people were killed, with over 6o wounded.

Cause and effect in the Middle East

While Israel stands accused of actions like these: An international children’s rights charity has said it has evidence that Palestinian children held in Israeli custody have been subjected to sexual abuse in an effort to extract… confessions from them. The Geneva-based Defence for Children International (DCI)… has collected 100 sworn affadavits from Palestinian children who said they…

Israel opens fire on Gaza flotilla

If true, this is going to get much uglier: Israeli forces have attacked a flotilla of aid-carrying ships aiming to break the country’s siege on Gaza, according to a Turkish aid agency being quoted by Turkish media. At least two people were killed and more than 30 people injured, the report said early on Monday.…

Gaza Flotilla sails into a positive outcome

As the Israeli army approaches the Gaza Flotilla – great images, team, unarmed civilians versus Zionist soldiers in camo – it’s once again pitiful to see the ways in which Israel supporters are all about PR and spin (there’s no crisis in Gaza etc) rather than realising that this is a battle they will never…

Perhaps Israel would like to silence Gazans permanently

The Gaza flotilla continues its merry way toward the Strip before the inevitable provocation by Israel (so much for Gaza being an independent territory when Israel says it has the right to stop the ships landing on the shore). The cost of the Israeli operation will be millions of shekels. Such money well spent. Gideon…

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