A writer loathed by the Zionist establishment

My following article appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein Directed by David Ridgen & Nicolas Rossier Baraka Productions Review by Antony Loewenstein Jewish critics of Israel are as old as the ideology itself. Zionism was regarded by most Jews in Europe as an idealistic delusion before the…

Why the Gaza Flotilla has to reach its destination

Oh Israel, you make it so hard to like you. The Gaza Flotilla is on its way towards the Strip but Zionist propaganda is in full swing. Here’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman: The aid convoy is violent propaganda against Israel, and Israel will not allow its sovereignty to be threatened in any way, in any…

Israel worries about its image and not the people of Gaza (that’s a shock)

Zionist spin never rests: Israel will attempt to block the ‘Freedom Flotilla’ of pro-Palestinian demonstrators heading toward Gaza with humanitarian supplies, the forum of seven senior ministers decided on Wednesday. Humanitarian cargo, however, would be unloaded and inspected at Ashdod and sent to Gaza via the United Nations. The flotilla’s organizers seek to disrupt Israel’s…

Gaza is a paradise filled with luxury (if you’re deaf, dumb and blind)

An article of stunning ignorance and stupidity. Ideology run wild. Here’s Tom Gross in Canada’s National Post (a writer who regularly appears in the Murdoch press down under) with a piece headlined, “Fancy restaurants and Olympic-size pools: What the media won’t report about Gaza“: In recent days, the international media, particularly in Europe and the…

End the mad siege on Gaza, says Haaretz

An editorial in Haaretz that highlights the ways in which both Israel and the Zionist Diaspora manages the conflict, through spin and PR, rather than actually addressing real suffering of the Palestinians: We will soon mark five years since Israel’s disengagement from the Gaza Strip, but Gaza refuses to disengage from Israel. Border incidents continue,…

Murdoch gives space in Australia to defend Israeli terrorism

Just in case readers of Rupert Murdoch’s Australian broadsheet were unclear whether the Jewish state should be able to murder with impunity, the following two pieces appear today. One truly wonders how much more desperate these Zionists can become. Tel Aviv nukes Gaza and the apologists will be lining up to find excuses. How is…

Washington and the Muslim world, a testy relationship

Views from across the Arab world: We are now approaching the first anniversary of President Barack Obama’s June 4, 2009 speech in Cairo, which offered Arabs and Muslims around the world a new “engagement” with the United States. A year later, how do Arab publics see the results of that effort–and how much do their…

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