Threats to shut down Haaretz and silence any questions

An important by Jonathan Cook in The National that reveals the depressing state of intellectual debate in Israel. If you aren’t for the state, get out of the country, so the thinking goes. Dissent is frowned upon, to put it mildly: An Arab member of the Israeli parliament is demanding that a newspaper be allowed…

Hamas is not above murdering its enemies

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem rightly condemns the thuggish behaviour of Hamas: B’Tselem strongly condemns the execution today of two Palestinians convicted of collaboration with Israel, by the Hamas government in Gaza. The death penalty is immoral and violates the basic right to life of every human being. B’Tselem holds that under no circumstance must…

Goldstone barred from his grandson’s bar-mitzvah

Almost comical and yet utterly parochial and pathetic: Judge Richard Goldstone, who authored a damning report accusing Israel of committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip, has reportedly been banned by pro-Israel activists from attending his grandson’s bar mitzvah in his native South Africa. According to the report circulating on Web logs, the South African…

Israel isn’t a normal country, tell the OECD

A letter that anybody can and should send to a country representative of the OECD: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is scheduled to convene in May 2010 in order to take a formal decision on Israel’s application for membership in the Organization. A vote for Israel’s accession to the OECD will be…

How Israel markets the joys in Gaza

The latest edition of Gaza Gateway: The following guide was inspired by a report by the Government of Israel, summarizing Israel’s humanitarian activities for the Gaza Strip in 2009 and at the start of 2010, which was submitted yesterday to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee. Take things out of context. When you say that, “41…

Why al-Jazeera listens to Gaza

Ayman Mohyeldin, Gaza correspondent for Al Jazeera English, tells Democracy Now!: …Since the launch of Al Jazeera International, we have been committed to covering the story of Gaza and the people there under siege. We think it’s the important, if not one of the most important, stories in the region and in the world and…

As long as Israel barely allows shoes into Gaza, expect outrage to grow

Oh, the generosity: Israeli authorities have allowed shoes and clothes into the Gaza Strip for the first time in three years of the tight economic blockade of the Palestinian territory. Here’s the latest Israeli commentator to tell America to keep its annual aid; we’ll cope just fine. Dream on, sunshine – without Washington protecting you…

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