Israel’s Dubai hit continues the country’s moral decline

My following article is published on the Huffington Post: Israel is facing a revolt from the Jewish Diaspora. “Intifada” is an Arabic word meaning “shaking off”, as one would violently discard a scorpion. Israel is managing its own “intifada” from within. I write as a 36-year-old Australian Jew who has recently signed, with 37 Australian…

A speaker at the upcoming Auckland Writer’s Festival

The following article by Linda Herrick appears today in the New Zealand Herald: A Sydney writer who describes himself as “an atheist Jewish-Australian political activist” is coming to Auckland in May as part of the international lineup for the Writers and Readers Festival. Antony Loewenstein is the author of My Israel Question, a highly critical…

This is what Palestinian resistance looks like today

Jamal Juma’ is the coordinator of the Palestinian grass-roots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and was released from an Israeli prison on January 12. He writes for the Christian Science Monitor: The Palestinian elected leadership is weak. And even with Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this week, the renewed Middle…

The OECD may once again be ignoring Israel’s elephant in the ro

Who said brutally occupying another people is a barrier to global acceptance? An exclusive club of the world’s most developed countries is poised to admit Israel as a member even though, a confidential internal document indicates, doing so will amount to endorsing Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories. Israel has been told that…

What are we doing to babies in Gaza?

An email from an employee of the Tuesday’s Child NGO: According to the Bethlehem maternity hospital, premature neonatal mortality over 26 weeks, 37 percent in Gaza in comparison to 1.4 percent in Bethlehem. Shocking, a genocide in itself.

Building a home in Gaza is no easy task

The latest edition of Gaza Gateway: Building the “perfect home” is a dream shared by many people, especially if you are one of the tenants of the 3,500 homes that were destroyed or of the 56,000 homes that were damaged in last year’s military operation in the Gaza Strip. This week, we’ve pulled together some…

Who would be trying to destabilise Gaza (Fatah, Israel or the US?)

This is published in the Jerusalem Post, so accuracy cannot be guaranteed, but interesting news: Ahmed Ja’abri, commander of Hamas’ armed wing, Izaddin al-Kassam, recently sent an urgent letter to Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Masha’al, warning that the situation in the Gaza Strip was “deteriorating,” and that Hamas has started losing control over the…

If America turns on Israel, they’ll always have Micronesia

The National notes Israel’s growing isolation in the UN (of course, Washington’s tight backing is often all that matters): Two unrelated diplomatic upsets have underlined growing impatience with the behaviour of the Israeli government among western countries that are traditionally supportive. Backing from the European Union and Australia in the United Nations to sustain the…

Protesting Egypt’s wall of shame against Gaza

Resistance is continuing in Egypt: Activists and opposition groups are stepping up pressure on the Egyptian government to stop constructing a barrier along the border with the Gaza Strip. Officials say the barrier will prevent cross-border smuggling, but critics say it will seal the fate of the people on the Gaza Strip. “The Egyptian border…

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