Sydney Morning Herald covers Gaza Freedom March

The following article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 2 January: Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on either side of the Israeli-Gazan border to mark a year since Israel’s three-week war in Gaza and to call for an end to the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt. About 85 demonstrators in Gaza were foreigners, part…

Viva Palestina inches closer to Gaza

The Viva Palestina trip from London is destined to bring aid, supplies and support to the people of Gaza. Like the Gaza Freedom March, the Egyptians halted their plans but they seem to now be making their way towards the Strip:

The Guardian covers the Gaza Freedom March

Following extensive global media coverage of our massive Cairo protest on 31 December to protest the siege on Gaza, the Guardian also filmed proceedings but didn’t cover the violence handed out to us by Egyptian security services.

We can kill Palestinians with impunity, says Israeli

The depth of depravity in certain sections of the Israeli elite is stripped bare with this shocking piece published in Yediot. It doesn’t really need an introduction, except to say that such rhetoric will simply continue to isolate Israel even further. And they deserve it: A year has passed since Operation Cast Lead. The Gaza…

Australian eyewitness report from Gaza

Some of the Gaza Freedom Marchers entered Gaza a few days ago (this was a painful and politically fraught decision and here’s why). Australian Donna Mulhearn was one of them and here’s her moving report of life in Gaza: The boy in the rubble and Gaza’s Tour of Horror He wasn’t like the other boys…

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