On the streets of Cairo, the people of Gaza are remembered

I’m just back from the streets of Cairo. Massive protests today for the people of Gaza and we were met with Egyptian state security brutality. Suffice to say, around 500 internationals and some Egyptians still protested in a major Cairo square and intend to remain there for the remainder of the day. Al Jazeera reports…

ABC Radio covers the Gaza Freedom March and the crisis over Gaza

The following story appears today on ABC Radio’s AM: TONY EASTLEY: More than 1300 international peace activists from 40 countries, including Australia are in Egypt this week. The self-styled “freedom marchers”, many of whom are Jewish, include prominent authors, lawyers and journalists. They had hoped to cross the border to Gaza for a planned protest…

The opinion of Haidar Eid and Omar Barghouti on the Gaza Freedom March

The following statement was released today by two leading Palestinian intellectuals and activists: Dear Gaza Freedom March organizers and participants, After a lot of hesitation and deliberation, we are writing to call on you to reject the “deal” reached with the Egyptian leadership (through Mrs. Mubarak). This deal is bad for us and, we deeply…

Press Release: Gaza Freedom March Steering Committee

This was just released: Press Release Gaza-Gaza Freedom March Steering Committee Gaza 30.12.2009 Over the past week we, representatives of various civil society sectors in Gaza, have been humbled by the sacrifices that you, 1400 people, have made in order to come and support us in breaking the siege. Despite our grave disappointment that we…

Meanwhile, away from Cairo, the region has its own pace

I’m flat-out here in Cairo working on multiple projects related to the Gaza Freedom March. But some interesting articles and reports on the Middle East are worth sharing: – 1 Year after Gaza Massacre: Over 500 Academics and Cultural Workers Call for Boycott. – On Sunday, 20 December 2009, Al Dameer Association for Human Rights…

Gaza Freedom March decides not to allow Egypt to divide and conquer

The latest on our Gaza Freedom March, via al-Jazeera, conveys the high drama currently taking place in Egypt and beyond. Solidarity with the people of Gaza should always be the central concern: Members of an international group gathered in Cairo to protest against the siege of Gaza have rejected an Egyptian offer to allow… 100 of…

New York Times recognises the Gaza Freedom March

In a sign of its significance, the New York Times finally covers the Gaza Freedom March and the political machinations behind the scenes. Such information arriving in the pages of the Times is important, a signal that the American political elite has to finally acknowledge the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and Palestine as a whole:…

Gaza Freedom Marchers get a few across the line

Via AFP: Protest leaders stranded in Cairo accepted an Egyptian offer on Tuesday to allow only 100 out of about 1,300 protesters into blockaded Gaza after the activists staged demonstrations and a hunger strike. The decision split delegates from more than 40 countries who came to Cairo planning to reach the Palestinian enclave, which shares…

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