Cairo, who’s ya daddy?

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: The time has come to acknowledge that the most important undertaking of the State of Israel, within narrow or expanded borders, has always been to maintain the supremacy of the Jews. Meanwhile, Egypt is rightly accused of doing the bidding of its financial and political backers. A client state now building…

Both Hamas and the PA need to restrain their forces

The abuse of human rights in Palestine (either under Hamas or the US-backed Palestinian Authority) shows no sign of improving: The Committee to Protect Journalists urges the West Bank-based Palestinian Authorities to release a journalist detained since Monday and the Hamas-led government in Gaza to end harassment of journalists. Mohamed Eshtewi, Al-Aqsa television bureau chief…

Carter tells the global powers to get into action in Gaza

Former US President Jimmy Carter has long been a champion of the Palestinian people. His latest piece tells the international community to stop talking and start rebuilding: Of more immediate concern, those under siege in Gaza face another winter of intense personal suffering. I visited Gaza after the devastating January war and observed homeless people…

Turkey flexes its critical muscle towards Israel

Israel, behave yourself or face the growing wrath of once friendly nations: Turkish President Abdullah Gul told President Shimon Peres at a private meeting in Copenhagen on Friday that only after Israel takes action to improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip would he pay Israel a visit.

Complaining about Israel’s image problem is futile

How times are changing. This piece by Anshel Pfeffer in Haaretz really speaks for itself. The case against Tzipi Livni is about far more than simply Gaza: There is a much wider issue at stake here, beyond former ministers’ and generals’ lecture engagements and holiday plans. Those who say that this is Israel’s battle for…

The Gaza Freedom March is about highlighting injustice

The Gaza Freedom March, which I’ll be attending, is about showing solidarity with the people of Gaza and Palestine. There are certainly obstacles in the way, but this preview film, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, outlines the reasons behind the mission: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Preview 1.1 from Maurice Jacobsen…

Washington gives funds to Israel to continue its illegalities

Israel, says America, you can illegal blockade Gaza and expand settlements in the West Bank and we’ll still fund your work: US President Barack Obama this week signed the 2010 foreign aid budget law which includes $2.775 billion in security aid to Israel. This is the second year the budget is transferred to the Jewish…

Birthing defects in the Gaza Strip

Two Palestinian teenagers stroll amid the mounds of rubble left by last year’s Israeli military offensive, listening to the tinny beat of a Turkish pop song playing on a cell phone. Nadir Mohammed Saleh and Ahmed Fayiz Abed Rabo are cousins and next-door neighbors. With their gelled hair, buttoned-down shirts and jeans, they look much…

Why Israel will always struggle against BDS

It is revealing that the Jewish state is trying to manage the growing BDS movement globally by simply ignoring the reasons behind the outrage. The idea that the West Bank occupation and siege on Gaza would justify punitive measures against Israel is simply unimaginable. Looks like we’ll just have to continue pointing out the obvious:…

We train and torture Palestinians and wonder why they hate us?

Sometimes, a story about Palestine speaks volumes about the ways in which Washington truly views the region (such as this classic 2008 tale of a US-backed, attempted coup against the ruling Hamas party). This piece in the London Guardian is both utterly unsurprising and brutally frank. This is the West’s vision for a Palestinian future?…

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