Surveying the Zionist scene in 2009

Jews are the “chosen people”. One of the key problems with this delusion, of course, is that it gives Jews the justification to commit crimes against the Palestinians and defend them because Jews are “chosen” and therefore God will support whatever they do. Take this from the Jerusalem Post: Until our own day, the clannishness…

Drinking shit and the world doesn’t care

One more tragic example of Gaza’s isolation thanks to Israeli bombardment and a Western-supposed siege: UN agencies and the health ministry in Gaza are working to strengthen communicable disease surveillance systems in Gaza, in light of the fact that leaking sewage may be contaminating drinking water.

Palestine matters, but not alone

Why, asks Geoffrey Alderman in the Guardian, isn’t the carnage in Sri Lanka receiving blanket coverage in the UK and internationally? I’ll tell you why. Because Sri Lanka is not Israel. Because the Tamils are not Arabs. And because here, in the UK, the Tamil vote is negligible whereas the Muslim vote is not. Yes,…

A witness to terrorism

Rachel Johnson, an Australian human rights activist with the International Solidarity Movement, was in Gaza during the recent war. I heard her speak recently in Sydney and she articulated the indiscriminate shooting, shelling and killing by the IDF in the occupied zone. She explains more: “The huge civilian death toll is largely a result of…

Taking care of your own problems

One of Israel’s leading historians, Benny Morris – a fine scholar who now represents the bigoted underbelly of Israeli society – knows how to solve the Middle East conflict: Morris concludes that a majority of Jews during the Mandate and Israelis in the years since have come to accept the notion of two states for…

Making money on the backs of others

Who says that becoming a compliant colonial administrator isn’t good for business? Running a power plant in Gaza might sound like a losing venture but, thanks to payments from the cash-strapped Palestinian government, its owners are making profits and promise another year of “unstoppable growth”. While Gaza’s 1.5 million residents, blockaded by Israel, face electricity…

We can say what we want

Here’s yet another case of the Zionist lobby in the US causing trouble for an academic who dared criticise Israel: Toward the end of February 2009, University of California-Santa Barbara Sociology and Global Studies Professor William Robinson received notice from the Academic Senate’s Charges Committee that two of his students had filed charges against him.… …

You can’t change those spots

I’ll leave Jewish American blogger Richard Silverstein to explain why the Israeli political elite live in a world where Rome burns and they blame anti-Semitism and mistaken PR: I kid you not. This is a real story from Haaretz. Hard to believe that [former Australian] Mark Regev is such an obtuse idiot along with the…

When independence is needed

The following statement is released today by B’Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights, Gisha, Adalah,The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, Yesh Din, Hamoked, The Public Committee Against Torture, Bimkom and Rabbis for Human Rights: Results of Israeli military investigations published today of alleged violations in Gaza are very problematic – the only way to truly…

The forgotten people of Gaza

Physicians for Human Rights in Israel release a statement about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza: The army must accept patients’ referral applications and facilitate their exit from Gaza to receive medical treatment: -… … … … … … …  10 patients from the Gaza Strip have died since the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian coordination mechanism -… … … … … … …  Israel refuses to deal…

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