Gaza counterclaim

The debate over Israel and Gaza continues today in the Australian Financial Review: Antony Loewenstein (“NGOs challenge Gaza blame“, Letters, February 9) persists in the error that non-government organisation assertions about Israel are beyond challenge. He omits to mention that last Thursday the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs retracted an earlier…

They will win in the end

Dr Mustafa Barghouthi, The Nation, February 6: Israel has dedicated an enormous amount of resources to perverting our identity and the character of our struggle. It has gained a significant degree of influence over the media, especially in the West, and has used this strength to transform and manipulate reality to its own ends. Thus…

You will pay a price for occupation

With evidence that the Western powers, including Obama’s America, are unlikely to change their decades-old racist attitude towards the Middle East – embracing “moderates” such as Egypt, ignoring Hamas etc – peaceful revolt against Israel is growing: They are the iPod generation of students: politically apathetic, absorbed by selfish consumerism, dedicated to a few years…

Simply more futile silencing

Just another shocking act by a friendly US ally (and dictatorship): A German-Egyptian activist has been detained north of Cairo during a rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza. Philip Rizk has been an outspoken activist on Palestinian issues and lived in Gaza for two years. He previously worked on aid projects with Canon Andrew…

But why does the world hate us so?

Most weeks the Australian Jewish News is filled with letters written by paranoid, ignorant Jews who seem to love the idea of living in a ghetto, a world where Israel is the eternal victim fighting for its life against irrational, hate-filled Muslims. It’s amusing to watch. In this week’s edition: Well, here we go again:…

NGOs challenge Gaza blame

The Australian Financial Review has over the last weeks given its pages to discussing Israel’s war crimes in Gaza (the background here). Today the paper publishes my following letter: Robert Goot (“Israel faces kangaroo court“, Legal Affairs, February 6) writes that Israeli actions are always legal and defensible and believes there is nothing to investigate…

And fascism grows

A Jewish couple makes aliyah to Israel and find a society that is “losing its soul“: More than in decades past, the Israel I recently visited is a mixture of despair and arrogance. There is a great deal of pride over the Gaza campaign. When I pointed out that was nothing to be proud of…

Do they want to know?

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem calls for a full investigation into the state’s abuses in Gaza: The extent of the harm to the Gaza civilian population from the recent operation is unprecedented. Whole families were wiped out. Children were killed before their parents’ eyes. Some people watched as their loved ones bled to death. The…

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