Israel no victim

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on ABC Unleashed: Vic Alhadeff is a senior Zionist organisation official. His Unleashed article provides an opportunity for analysis that is instructive about our media and intellectual culture. The very persuasiveness of Alhadeff’s case for Israel is the reason it deserves attention. It misrepresents the…

Which side of history?

Zionist blogger Jeffrey Golberg writes: It’s a strange world, but there you have it. I’ve been talking to friends of mine, former Palestinian Authority intelligence officials (ejected from power by the Hamas coup), and they tell me that not only are they rooting for the Israelis to decimate Hamas, but that Fatah has actually been…

One who shall be remembered

Finally, one prominent American politician raises his voice against Israel’s barbarity (and refuses to succumb to the Zionist lobby): Cleveland congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) is now calling for a United Nations investigation to attacks on Gaza by Israel. Kucinich also criticized Israel for what he deems a disproportionate response to Hamas rocket attacks, standing in…

The moral code is clear

Israel’s bombardment of Gaza “bears all the hallmarks of war crimes“, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said in a statement on Sunday. “In the context of total aerial supremacy, in which one side in a conflict deploys lethal aircraft against opponents with no means of defending themselves, the bombardment bears all the hallmarks of war crimes.”…

Gaza round-up

Some of the finest reading on the web about the Gaza outrage (from a variety of perspectives): – Palestinians need Israel to win. – An American rabbi condemns the Israeli attacks. – Robert Fisk: Why bombing Ashkelon is the most tragic irony. – Hamas is hoping for an IDF ground operation in Gaza. – Pro-Palestinian…

The Jew and the Palestinian

Yossi Alpher: At the end of the day, however, the operation confirms the contention I have voiced in these virtual pages repeatedly over recent weeks and months: neither Israel nor anyone else has a long-term workable strategy for dealing with Hamas in Gaza. This is a militant terrorist organization that has taken over a piece…

The “chosen” people lack history

Rami G. Khouri, Daily Star, December 29: God punished the arrogance and hubris of the Hebrews in the Old Testament by making them wander the wilderness for 40 years, before allowing a later, more humble, generation to enter Canaan. The current generation of Israeli Jews is not as proficient at learning these 40-year lessons, it…

Our God, our Allah, our Torah

How most of the American media gives Israel a free pass to commit war crimes in Gaza. Rule one for corporate journalists: the Jewish state is a sacred religion; don’t dare criticise it.

We stand together

Yesterday I attended a 2000-strong march in Sydney against Israel’s behaviour in Gaza. Some people marched under a Hamas flag, some under a Hizbollah flag and many, such as myself, simply as an individual outraged by the Jewish state’s typically stupid action against the Palestinians. Some other Australian Jews are thankfully speaking out: More photos…

Why stop now?

Another day and more Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The latest here, here, here, here, here, here and here. Palestinian bloggers are filing on the ground reports of the attacks.

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