Let’s not starve them in Gaza but getting close would be fun

What kind of democratic state would do this? That’s right, Israel isn’t a democracy for Arabs, so this kind of blatant racism is just another day at the office: In the three years since Hamas took control of Gaza, Israeli officials have employed mathematical formulas to monitor foodstuffs and other basic goods entering the Strip…

Israel lobby snares elite, Australian minds (and very few resist)

Yet more evidence that the Australian political and media are largely bought by the Zionist lobby, unable to think for themselves. This upcoming trip will result in the following (let me make some wild guesses). Iran is a focus, Palestinians have to stop incitement, the occupation isn’t really a problem and Australia must support the…

A one-eyed view of Sri Lanka

My following article appears today in ABC’s The Drum Unleashed: A Western journalist visits the Sudanese capital Khartoum to interview President Omar al-Bashir. The reporter, after calling him “controversial” due to his “bloody” record in fighting terrorism, gives the leader a platform to explain his views and tactics. The only other voice featured in the…

Myopic Jews berate IAJV for caring about human rights

Following the Australia-wide advertisement by Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) calling for a more open debate over Israel/Palestine, the following letters have appeared in the Australian Jewish News over the last weeks: What a dismay to find Independent Australian Jewish Voices’ advertisement in last week’s AJN. We do live in a democracy where anyone has…

Mike Leigh, a Jew of integrity, says no to Israeli racism

A man of principle who dares to take a stand when saying and doing nothing (and getting a free trip) is so much easier: Bafta-winning film-maker Mike Leigh has pulled out of a teaching trip to Israel due to his concern over the country’s proposed loyalty oath bill. Leigh said he was not prepared to…

“The Palestinians want to destroy the world”

Zionist propaganda on the Birthright trip is almost pathological. Arabs are ignored but loathed. Everybody is an enemy. It’s militarism run riot. The occupation is excused and defended (the soldiers manning the checkpoints have families, the young Jews are told, as if this excuses illegally brutalising an entire people). This is sad:

Meeting Tony Abbott in Sydney and shooting the Palestinian breeze

Last night I attended an event in central Sydney at Gleebooks with Leader of the Liberal Opposition Tony Abbott and writer and speech-writer Bob Ellis. The room was packed with around 200 people and the two men initially talked about the war in Afghanistan (Abbott backs it, “the best of the worst options” for the…

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