Failing to take responsibility for what Zionism has created

Following the publication of the Independent Australian Jewish Voices advertisement across the Australian media yesterday, Zionist columnist Mark Baker writes in the Australian Jewish News that debate over “Jewish” issues should be wider but he still wants to proscribe certain boundaries. He condemns the lack of “balance” in the IAJV statement, implying somehow that both…

Australian Jews say enough is enough

The following advertisement appears prominently in today’s Sydney Morning Herald and Australian [in a slightly different version] and in this week’s Australian Jewish News, organised by Independent Australian Jewish Voices:

What Gaza is suffering far too often

Here’s reporter Rami Almeghari writing from Gaza about the largely ignored Israeli bombing campaign that terrorises the tiny strip on a regular basis: Late on Monday night, 27 September, an Israeli drone spotted and killed three Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel boundary near the central Gaza Strip refugee camp of al-Bureij. This was just one of…

ABC Radio Overnights on Middle East realities

As the sham Middle East “peace process” continues, I was invited last week for a long interview and listener questions on ABC Overnights. We covered settlements, the BDS movement, the one-state solution, Barack Obama’s blind spots and the Holocaust:

The seriously deadly threat of non-violent Jews

Israel using excessive force and abusing civilians? Just another day on the job: Israel Defense Forces soldiers used excessive force while taking over a Gaza-bound aid ship organized by Jewish and Israeli activists,… the boat’s passengers… said Tuesday, countering the military’s official version claiming that the takeover had been uneventful. Earlier Tuesday the IDF reported that Israeli…

Hold Western military powers to account (and the Hague beckons)

The message is clear; Western powers can’t be exempt from thorough examinations of their war crimes. Hardly a revolutionary idea and yet such plans are virtually absent from “polite” discussions: A United Nations investigation into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan should be launched to identify and prosecute individuals responsible, says a former top-ranking UN official…

Zionist lobby? Never heard of it, doesn’t exist

This is worth sharing from today’s Sydney Morning Herald. Little needs to be said except how it shows the growing hysteria of Jews against anybody who dares say anything about Israeli crimes.”Anti-Semitism” has lost its meaning with such frivolous and desperate tactics (which are increasingly failing): The Australian Press Council has considered a complaint by…

The Gaza tunnels from the inside

An intimate look at the tunnels running from Gaza to Egypt screened last weekend on Australia’s SBS Dateline. It’s a dirty and dangerous business and continues to serve the people of Gaza, providing a life-line during the stifling Israeli blockade.

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