Gillard and the Zionist lobby are completely separate (or not)

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is asked on ABC Melbourne radio about a news story today regarding her blind support for Israel and her partner’s job with the Zionist lobby. Even Murdoch columnist Andrew Bolt sees an issue: Gillard said on ABC 774 this morning that as Deputy Prime Minister she excused herself on decisions…

Free Palestine in Warsaw’s Jewish area

Yesterday, Israeli and Polish activists met in the ruins of Warsaw’s old Jewish Ghetto. The activists sprayed ”˜Liberate All Ghettos’ in Hebrew, followed by ”˜Free Gaza and Palestine’ in English on a wall of an original block in the ghetto. The block is across the street from the last fragment of the remaining perimeter wall…

Gillard and Israel are like peas in a pod

It’s very healthy to see some critical thoughts over new Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her tight connection to the Zionist lobby. Much more transparency is required. Watch this space: A former Australian ambassador to Israel has accused Prime Minister Julia Gillard of being silent on the ”excesses” of Israel, and has questioned why…

Punishing Palestinian independence

Hamas leader in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, doesn’t want his territory to become like another US-backed wasteland, Afghanistan: The Hamas co-founder was bitterly critical of Western policy towards Hamas and Gaza over the four and half years since the Islamic faction won the last Palestinian elections. “Why did the Western people boycott Hamas after the election?”…

Obama is a barrier to any kind of Middle East peace

Even if this story is accurate, that US/Israeli relations are struggling, other reports indicate Washington is very happy to continue carrying the water for Tel Aviv, even if it means not releasing Gilad Shalit because it would strengthen Hamas. First, this: Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, denied painting a dark picture of U.S.-Israeli relations…

Obama soon to put serious pressure on Israel (let’s wait and see)

Oh my: The lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip and permission for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip freely through Israeli border crossings. These are the unequivocal demands that President Barack Obama is expected to make during his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House in two weeks. If anyone…

A hug and cuddle with Tzipi Livni

This is how the New York Times interviews Israel’s “opposition” leader Tzipi Livni. Soft-ball questions, nothing about the occupation or the real human rights crisis in Gaza or fundamentalist Jewish settlers. Of course not, she’s one of us, remember? The Israeli security cabinet just voted to ease the three-year blockade on Gaza, in the wake…

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara

Norman Finkelstein’s last book, This Time We Went Too Far, is published by new figure on the scene. OR Books. Now, in late July, comes a new title, Midnight on the Mavi Marmara:

British unions at the forefront of moves to isolate Israel

The recent news that Britain’s largest union, Unite, agreed to boycott Israeli companies was clearly the beginning of something far bigger: One of Britain’s largest trade unions passed a motion at its annual conference in Bournemouth last week accusing Israel of lying over the Gaza flotilla incident and has called for a complete boycott of…

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