Now those Turks can go to hell

Jewish blogger Realistic Peace has a pithy way of getting straight to the point (see his post on the Gaza flotilla). His latest highlights the hypocrisy of the American Zionist lobby: Spencer Ackerman has an excellent and succinct post on the hypocrisy abounding now that the American Jewish leadership has decided Turkey is an enemy,…

Sailing the Zionist ships into the sunset

You have to laugh (because otherwise you’d cry). I look forward to the growing millions around the world being convinced that Israel has every right to occupy and blockade the Palestinians for “security”. Good luck with that one: Israel’s National Student Union is planning a flotilla with hundreds of yachts from Israel to meet at…

Self-criticism must start at home

An intriguing piece, by an Israeli reservist major, that at least acknowledges the direction his country is heading. Is it too much to ask more in the Zionist Diaspora to speak out and demand the Israeli government change path? This hardening of the heart is not limited to our leaders. They, after all, merely reflect…

What on earth has happened to my people?

Muzzlewatch reports on the Tea Partification of the American Zionist community: On June 6th, 2010, peace activists including members of Bay Area Women in Black and Jewish Voice for Peace held a silent vigil outside the main entrance to the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation’s annual “Israel in the Gardens” celebration. The peace activists called…

My talk in Christchurch

During my recent speaking tour of New Zealand, I engaged with thousands of people, including a full house in Christchurch. Here’s the video and audio (neither amazing quality, since it’s compressed files, but you get the gist). I discuss the Middle East, the realities in Gaza and how to engage Hamas: Antony Loewenstein talks in…

“The plan was doomed to failure from the beginning”

The importance of dissent within any society should be self-evident. Evidence for the prosecution: Israeli Navy officers have attacked their government’s version of events related to last week’s capture of flotilla ships in international waters. They said Sunday the raid was doomed from the beginning, and should be blamed on whoever ordered it and the…

Did somebody say Israeli cover-up?

Sorry what? Israeli legal experts have poured scorn on details of a proposed inquiry to examine last week’s military raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that resulted in the deaths of nine people. After a marathon meeting of his inner cabinet that approved the inquiry’s terms, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was last night waiting for…

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