Is Israel mature enough to understand the value of rights?

An instructive op-ed in Haaretz by media consultant Gilad Heiman that offers the Jewish state some advice that will probably be ignored: Israeli public relations stems entirely from the Zionist Israeli narrative, without any genuine attempt being made to learn the language of human rights, which is dominant in international public discourse. We expect the…

Israel as a “fascist state under the cover of Zionism”

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: How can we truly know what happened in the Gaza Strip without Breaking the Silence, and how can we know what is happening in the West Bank every day without B’Tselem? But Im Tirtzu doesn’t want us to know; it wants to cover our shame. That, to it, is patriotism, but…

Getting money into Gaza is essential for the living

Gaza is in ruins and Israel, now increasingly blocking access of foreign NGOs into the occupied territories, is trying to stop the flow of essential money into the Gaza Strip: Israeli officials suspect that representatives of international organizations used their cars to bring millions of dollars into the Gaza Strip, taking advantage of their immunity.…

Israelis love to have an enemy

Larry Derfner in the Jerusalem Post defines his fellow country men and women as unified as a police state: When we think of the economy, we think of “me.” But when we think of “us,” we think first and last of “them.” Of course, there are loads and loads of generous, public-spirited Israelis doing great…

Israel can only show power by belittling others

Israel’s attempt at humiliating the Turkish ambassador has back-fired spectacularly. It is the moves of a little nation, not a democracy, a country that wants to embarrass Jews. If they think this is showing Zionist strength, they are sadly mistaken. The Haaretz editorial: Israel’s fury at critics of its policies in Gaza is not new.…

Another slaughter in Gaza sooner than we think?

Bradley Burston in Haaretz thinks that Palestinians should prepare for another massacre and soon: The countdown to the Second Gaza War has begun in earnest. Date it, if you like, to Sunday, and a coolly terrifying analysis by Yom Tov Samia, former overall Israeli military commander of the Gaza Strip and the adjacent Negev. Or…

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