The barbarians at the gate

At the outset of the struggle against the war in Vietnam, a journalist asked a protester demonstrating outside the White House if he really believed he had the power to change America, which overwhelmingly backed the war. “I’m not sure at all if I’ll succeed in changing America,” the man said. “I’m here so that…

Where is the Jewish outrage?

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, February 8: Lieberman and his soldiers are borne on the tides of hatred for Arabs, hatred of democracy and the rule of law, and the stink of nationalism, racism and bloodthirstiness. These have turned, horrifically, into the hottest electoral assets on the market. Like all others of his political ilk, he cynically…

Stop and listen now

Akiva Eldar is one of Israel’s finest commentators and writes for the Haaretz newspaper. He was interviewed on last night’s ABC TV Lateline about Israel’s upcoming elections and the country’s move to the far-right. His conclusions when asked his thoughts about the future? I’m afraid that the next Israeli Government will be under much greater…

Where to hide?

While the Jewish state and its Western allies delude themselves that the recent war against Gaza taught Hamas a lesson, international law may start creeping up on Israel: The International Criminal Court is exploring ways to prosecute Israeli commanders over alleged war crimes in Gaza. The alleged crimes include the use of deadly white phosphorus…

Imam Husain Islamic Centre talk on Israel/Palestine

I spoke last night to a packed room of around 170 people at Sydney’s Imam Husain Islamic Centre (all photos here): I was honoured to engage with a large Muslim audience (as I was told that the idea of a Jew speaking to such a group happened rarely, if ever, due to the fear of…

War crimes? What war crimes?

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been deeply weakened by his complicity with Israel and the Americans over the last years. The result for his people? Nothing. But his comments on Tuesday – probably as a way to defend himself from siding with Israel over his fellow Palestinians, Hamas – were necessarily strong: We will do…

Colonial addiction sounds like banana republic to me

How will the next Israeli government view the Obama administration, more likely to pressure the Jewish state over its settlement addiction? Will they go the route of former prime minister Menachem Begin, who more than 25 years ago lashed out at the U.S. ambassador to Israel, Samuel Lewis, telling him Israel was not a banana…

Gaza: where to from here?

My latest column for New Matilda is about the likely future for Gaza and the conflict: Now that the shelling is (mostly) over, it’s clear that Israel has achieved the exact opposite of its objectives in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein Palestinians are slowly emerging from the rubble of their lives in Gaza. Credible stories have…

Get Up! takes on Israel/Palestine

Get Up! is Australia’s biggest progressive organisation, modelled on US Get Up! has shied away from tackling the Israel/Palestine issue, preferring to focus on more domestic concerns. Its success in Australia is undeniable, though I know a number of members have been frustrated with its silence over the Middle East. But maybe that is…

Step up or move away

With the Arab Initiative on the table for Israel – acceptance by the region if the Jewish state accepts a two-state solution, a highly unlikely proposition considering its obsession with expansionism – the recent war against Gaza has shown once again the impotence of the Arab world: There is more solidarity with the people of…

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